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Updated: August 1, 2024

Grace dodged back from the window and hastily began donning her hat and jacket. "It's Cap'n Elkanah," she whispered. "I must go. This seems to be your busy morning, Aunt Keziah. I" here she choked again "really, I didn't know you were so popular." Keziah opened the door. Captain Elkanah Daniels, prosperous, pompous, and unbending, crossed the threshold.

Captain Elkanah and the gracious Miss Annabel, his daughter, had been kind enough to express gratification, and their praise alone saved him from despair. Then, to his amazement, the call had come. Of casual conversation at the church and about the Daniels's table he could recall nothing. So there was another religious organization in town and that made up of seceders from his own church.

Shall not such a woman be praised? "Now Elkanah took his family to Shiloh, to worship and feast before the Lord. But the envious Peninnah so grieved Hannah that she could neither eat nor drink. Soon, however, she heard the sweet tones of her husband's voice. Was it not like an angel's? saying, 'Hannah, why weepest thou? and why eatest thou not? and why is thy heart grieved?

Happy is it for that family where the domestic hearth is cheered by love and the altar by piety. Happy they, whose affection, planted in religion, resembles a flourishing tree that spreads its shade over the united household. Hannah consulted her husband, and stated the reasons of the plan she had devised Elkanah listened to the representations of his wife, and instantly assented.

And Boaz and Ruth had a son, whom they named Obed; and later Obed had a son named Jesse; and Jesse was the father of David, the shepherd boy who became king. So Ruth, the young woman of Moab, who chose the people and the God of Israel, became the mother of kings. Living at Ramah, in the mountains of Ephraim, there was a man whose name was Elkanah. He had two wives, as did many men in that time.

He belonged to the great tribe of Ephraim, being the son of Elkanah, of whom nothing is worthy of notice except that he was a polygamist. From his infancy Samuel was especially dedicated to the service of God. He was not a priest, since he did not belong to the priestly caste; but the Lord was with him, and raised him up to be more than priest, even a prophet and a judge.

My father, Elkanah, was one of the faithful in Israel, and he went up yearly to Shiloh; my mother, Hannah, was his beloved wife, though it was Peninnah who had given him children.

Elkanah Watson was in many ways the Washington of New York. He had the foresight, patience, and persistence of the Virginia planter. His "Journal" of a tour up the Mohawk in 1788 and a pamphlet which he published in 1791 may be said to be the ultimate sources in any history of the internal commerce of New York.

Don't let's have no more chin music. We know what you want and what you called this meetin' for; now let's vote on it. "Three or four sung out 'Question' and 'Vote. But Elkanah held up his hand. "'Gentlemen, says he, 'before I ask for the vote I want to say just one word. I've worshiped in this meetin' house ever sence I was a child.

He ain't all the time bangin' the bulkhead and sniffin' brimstone, like parsons I have seen. Sulphur's all right for a spring medicine, maybe, but when June comes I like to remember that God made roses. Elkanah, he comes to me a while ago and he says, 'Zebedee, he says, 'don't you think Mr.

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