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Updated: August 5, 2024

"Little Daisy," he said, and his voice sounded kind of strange and different, "I want you to give a message to your pa a message from me, you say to 'im and that is, 'e'll never 'ave no more trouble with the boys down the shore. And if any of them gets fresh, or gives 'im any lip, or 'oots you tell 'im this, Daisy I'll break every bone of 'is body, so 'elp me, Moses.

When the missus tries to stop 'im she's afraid 'e'll go over 'e just looks at 'er and she 'as to let 'im 'ave 'is own way." Later, I reverted to that speech of the child's, that intelligent, illuminating speech that seemed to prove that there was indeed a powerful, thoughtful mind behind those profoundly speculative eyes. "That time he spoke, Stott," I said, "was he alone?" "Ah!" assented Stott.

"I wish 'e 'adn't bin took," said the Bloater with a look of regret on his expressive though dirty countenance. "Poor Martha!" said Little Jim, almost crying as he thought of her. "'Ow much d'you think 'e'll get, Bloater?" "Twenty years at least; p'r'aps go for life; you see it's an aggrawated case.

''E ain't no fool, ain't Jowey! cried the parent. 'Wite till 'e gits to Collige. Godwin'll put us up to all the ins and outs. Plenty o' time for that; 'e'll often run over an' 'ev a bit o' dinner, and no need to talk about p'yment. 'Do you stay in Twybridge to-night? inquired Godwin, who had changed in look and manner, so that he appeared all but cheerful.

"Of course we shan't 'aggle about a few pound, more or less. If Colonel Lapham's figure should be a little larger than ours, I've no doubt 'e'll not be too 'ard upon us in the end."

The fust lootenant sez of course 'e will, and sez as 'ow 'e'll arrange to 'ave all the buoys mustered in the sick bay at six bells, and that they needn't be bled if the doctor sez they don't want it." "It wus all I could do to stop meself larfin', 'specially when Number One sings art fur the chief buffer.

'It is a bit of a take-down for the bleeder, ain't it, 'avin' to play second fiddle, said Philpot with a delighted grin. ''E's opin' Owen'll make a mess of it, Easton whispered. 'Well, 'e'll be disappointed, mate, answered Philpot.

"What news of that brave man?" asked Dom Corria, and his deep voice vibrated with real feeling. "First-rate, sir," said Dickey. "The bullet is extracted, and the doctor says 'e'll soon be all right. Leastways, that's wot Iris tells me. I can't talk Portuguese meself, an' pore old Jimmie's langwidge ain't fit to be repeated." The President laughed.

'E 'it me this morning. I dunno what's the matter. 'E's been awful angry all day, and now 'e'll beat you. Oh, dear! oh, dear!" Bob's face flushed, and he clenched his hands. For himself he didn't care, but he did care when anything hurt Willie. He couldn't stand that, and he wouldn't. He sat still for a moment lost in thought.

Their stomachs can't stand it. Nah, then," he said to the sick child, "you 'op 'ome, young 'un. You didn't ought to be 'angin' about 'ere, you know, upsettin' the traffic an' mykin' a mess on the pyvement. Gow on! Git aht of it!" The boys ran off, leaving Henry staring blankly after them. "'E'll be all right, sir!" said the policeman. "It's no good tryin' to do nothink for 'em.

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