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It even appears that this holy man was guilty of sin, and failed in resignation; he was accused by his friends of being justly punished for his crimes; there was no healthy part left in him. But after he had been brought down to the dunghill, and reduced as it were to a corpse, did not God restore everything to him, his wealth, his children, his health, and his life?

"Because I was always thinking of poor Fanny, and because because Birnie was ever at me with his horrible temptations!" "Birnie! I loathe the man! Will you never get rid of him?" "I cannot! Hush! he will hear us. How unlucky we have been! and now without a son in our pockets here the dunghill there the gaol! We are in his power at last!" "His power! what mean you?" "What ho!

Wherefore, though I anticipate an outcry against me on the part of the blockheads, who, strange to say, are the most credulous idolators of Enlightenment, and if knowledge were power, would rot on a dunghill, yet, nevertheless, I think all really enlightened men will agree with me, that when one falls in with detached sharpshooters from the general March of Enlightenment, it is no reason that we should make ourselves a target, because Enlightenment has furnished them with a gun.

To such a pitch, indeed, does their laudable economy proceed, that every inhabitant of Cujes keeps a pet dunghill before his house, fearing no doubt to lose sight of it; and in this wilderness of sweets the good women sat basking and gossiping with great satisfaction.

ATTEN. God knows there is abundance of deceit in the world! WISE. Deceit! Ay, but I have not told you the thousandth part of it; nor is it my business now to rake to the bottom of that dunghill.

The next time you look at a public-house say to yourself, Peter Crawley, that is not a public-house to you it is a hospital, a workhouse, for a dunghill for if you go in there John Meadows, that is your friend, will be your enemy." "Heaven forbid, Mr. Meadows." "Drink this basinful of coffee." "Yes, sir. Thank you, sir. It is very bitter." "Is your head clear now?" "As a bell."

"Set aside the gentleman," said I, standing up and taking off MacMuir's coat, "and call me a lubberly clout like yourself, and we will see which is the better clout." I put off the longsleeved jacket, and faced him with my fists doubled, crying: "I'll teach you, you spawn of a dunghill, to speak ill of a good man!"

He opened the wicker gate and entered the yard. The lazy sow that lay on the dunghill grunted, but took no further notice of the imperial intruder. He stopped before the low cottage door and knocked, but no one came. The place seemed silent and deserted; not the faintest hum of life was to be heard from within.

The moralizing of Doctor Rosy, and the dispute between the justice's wife and her daughter, as to the respective merits of militia-men and regulars, are highly comic: "Psha, you know, Mamma, I hate militia officers; a set of dunghill cocks with spurs on heroes scratched off a church door. No, give me the bold upright youth, who makes love to-day, and has his head shot off to- morrow.

There he was, then, seemingly without origin, parentage, or kindred tie, a lonesome, squalid, bloodless thing, which the great monster, London, seemed to have spawned forth of its own self; one of its sickly, miserable, rickety offspring, whom it puts out at nurse to Penury, at school to Starvation, and, finally, and literally, gives them stones for bread, with the option of the gallows or the dunghill when the desperate offspring calls on the giant mother for return and home.