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"This is what you bring en to, is it? You deceiver, you! You bare-faced villain!" If you let one of they fellows lay hands on my Phoby I'll scratch out ivery eye in your head . . ." "Stand by, Tim," says the captain quietly. "Drat the boat! If she keeps bobbiting about like that I shall hit her, sure 'nuff!" Bang! went the little gun, and kicked backwards clean over its carriage.

"The crops have been blighted," says Rebecca; though what connection that had with M. Picot's mole, I could not see. "Deliverance Dobbins oft hath racking pains," says Rebecca, with that air of injury which became her demure dimples so well. "Drat that Deliverance Dobbins for a low-bred mongrel mischief-maker!" cries old Tibbie from the pantry door.

I can't see that it is any wonder we were all deceived. But it's a staggering thing. And Leslie has sacrificed the best years of her life to nursing a man who hadn't any claim on her! Oh, drat the men! No matter what they do, it's the wrong thing. And no matter who they are, it's somebody they shouldn't be. They do exasperate me."

Madame Boche, in a low voice accused Boche of caressing Madame Lerat's knees. Oh, he was a sly one, but he was getting a little too gay. She had certainly seen his hand disappear. If he did it again, drat him! She wouldn't hesitate throwing a pitcher of water over his head. In the partial silence, Monsieur Madinier was talking politics. "Their law of May 31, is an abominable one.

That was to be expected, and I was not in the least inclined to distrust the jar. Then I was rewarded; a bat flew by, and I, who have not heard a bat even squeak these twenty years, now heard this one say in a whistling angry tone, "Would you, would you, I've got you no, drat, drat." This, of course, was only a beginning.

"Have they wronged Felt in any way?" asked Ingmar. "It was the work of those youngsters, drat them! One evening, when they had nothing else to do, they took it into their heads to go and convert Felt, for of course they had heard that he was a great sinner." "But in the old days all the children were as afraid of Felt as they were of witches and trolls," Ingmar reminded.

"Here they are. It will require a man who knows something about metre to speak them. Had Shakespeare's grandmother three Christian names? and did she anticipate feminine posterity in her rank of life by saying habitually, 'Drat it? There is as yet no Society to pursue this investigation, but it should be started. Enormous thanks for the Venus. I wore it this morning at breakfast.

Oh, yes, I reckon you've done a lot, and seen a lot, and eat a lot since the morning as I give you a priceless wollum worth its weight in solid gold as was wrote by a Person o' Quality and all for five bob! jest because them larks 'appened to be singing so sentimental drat 'em! Ah well," sighed the Pedler, bolting the last morsel of beef, "and 'ow did you find London, young sir?"

"Because I'm a hardened and bold creature," said Deborah, fiercely, "so don't say it's you as held your tongue, for that you didn't, my honeycomb. Many and many a time have you said to me, ses you, 'Oh, do tell my par, and many a time have I said to you, ses I, 'No, my precious, not for Joseph, whoever he may be, drat him!" "Now, Debby, you're taking all the blame on yourself!"

"Drat 'em," said the stranger, as he watched a hawk-eyed extortioner in drab, for these did not condescend to hunting shirts, "drat 'em, ef I had my way I'd wring the neck of every mother's son of 'em." I turned with a start, and there was Mr. Daniel Boone. "Howdy, Davy," he said; "ye've growed some sence ye've ben with Clark."