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I think, sir, that it is due to the daughter o' a Murray o' Elibank, that she should be courted before she gies her hand. The young man has never seen me; he kens naething concerning me; an' never will yer dochter disgrace ye by gieing her hand to a man who only accepted it to save his neck from a hempen cord.

I pity him, an auld, auld man; and his dochter had rin off wi' a Christian lad they ca' her Jessica, and didn't she steal his very diamond ring that his ain lass gied him when he was young, an' maybe no sae hard-hairted?" Jean Carnie. "Oh, the jaud! suppose he was a Jew, it was na her business to clean him oot." A young Fishwife. "Aweel, it was only a Jew body, that's my comfort." Christie.

"I canna help it, Leeby," said Jess. "Na, an' I canna bear to think o' Jamie bein' mairit. It would lay me low to loss my laddie. No yet, no yet." "But, mother," said Leeby, quoting from the minister at weddings, "ye wouldna be lossin' a son, but juist gainin' a dochter." "Dinna haver, Leeby," answered Jess, "I want nane o' thae dochters; na, na."

She's a decent lassie a dochter o' James Hewson, the cottar at Bodyfauld. I ken her fine. He said this in a whisper; but the girl seemed to hear it, for she left the shop with a perturbation which the dimness of the late twilight could not conceal. Robert hesitated no longer, but followed her, heedless of the louder expostulations of MacGregor.

But then, when I had said all I could, he told me that the girl was no longer his dochter. He said she had brought disgrace upon him and upon a godly hoose, and that he could but hope to forget that she had ever lived. And he wished me good day and showed me the door. I made such provision for the puir lassie as I could, and saw to it that she should have gude advice.

If my reader has seen and heard Mademoiselle Rachel utter her famous Sortez, in "Virginie," he knows exactly with what a gesture and tone the Johnstone uttered this word. "Hech! what a spite Flucker Johnstone's dochter has taen against us." Christie. "Scairt!" "Aweel! what's a' your paession, my boenny woman?" Christie. "Scairt!" Beeny retired before the thunder and lightning of indignant virtue.

I've heard tell that they took whisky to their porridges, but that's mebbe a lee. Onyway, the faither and mither sune died off, and the dochter went to board wi' the minister an' his wife, to see if they could dae onything wi' her. I mind seein' her yince.

I hae consented that my dochter shall gie her hand to a guid an' a godly man, who will look after her weelfare baith here and hereafter. And ye kenned this she kenned it, and she didna refuse; but ye hae come like the son o' darkness, an' sawn tares amang the wheat."

"She's yer ain dochter Olive Rothesay," answered Elspie, less harshly. "She may be an angel to ye yet." While she spoke, it so chanced that there flitted over the infant-face one of those smiles that we see sometimes in young children strange, causeless smiles, which seem the reflection of some invisible influence.

Sometimes He takes a bishop's and lays it on a child's head in benediction, then He takes the han' of a dochter t' relieve pain, th' han' of a mother t' guide her chile, an' sometimes He takes th' han' of an aul craither like me t' give a bit comfort to a neighbor. But they're all han's touch't be His Spirit, an' His Spirit is everywhere lukin' fur han's to use."