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I knew enough of Trevanion to feel that I could not reveal the circumstances under which I had formed that acquaintance, for he was much too practical a man not to have been frightened out of his wits at the idea of submitting so classical a performance to so disreputable a scapegrace.

The disreputable doctor deliberately forgot everything of the past, and lived only for the reckless present; the shipmaster had got his wife and children always filling half his memory, and was in a constant agony lest he should fail to properly provide for them.

As she passes the opening doors of a disreputable saloon she may see for an instant three or four listless girls urging liquor upon men tired out with the long day's work and already sodden with drink.

And the audience rocked in its seats. One horse still remained before the dance-hall. The old mother emerged. With one anguished look after the detective, she gathered up her disreputable skirts and left the platform in a flying leap to land in the saddle. There was no trickery about the speed at which her horse, belaboured with the mop-pail, galloped in pursuit of the others.

He must have done that or made some disreputable marriage." "I don't think he would have done that," said Patience. "But he was going to do it. He had half-engaged himself to some tailor's daughter. Indeed, up to the moment of your telling me this I thought he would marry her." Poor Clary! So Patience said to herself as she heard this.

He received a fair schooling for those times the three R's and taught school one or two winters. His reading was the Bible and hymn-book, his weekly secular paper, and a monthly religious paper. He used to say that as a boy he was a very mean one, saucy, quarrelsome, and wicked, liked horse-racing and card-playing both alike disreputable in those times.

He closed the door and turned to the others. "We'll have to make it fast," he said. "Mrs. Fleming can't hold the butler off all day. Let's start over here, and go around the racks." They began at the left, with the wheel locks. Pierre put his finger immediately on the shabby and disreputable specimen Rand had first noticed. "Phew! Is that one a stinker!" he said.

Why won't the neighbourhood call on you why do you have disreputable people to stay with you? It is all so foolish!" she said, with childish and yet passionate emphasis. "You needn't do it!" Meryon had turned rather white. "When you grow a little older," he said severely, "you will know better than to believe all the gossip you hear. I choose the friends that suit me and the life too.

Sacramento recently made a clean-up of its dives, and disreputable dance-halls were closed up. It is recognized by those who are observant, that dance-halls are more degrading than any other form of dissipation. They are public institutions with their doors open to all who enter, and those with money to spend are made welcome.

May not a Boob expect to see angels in the shimmering blue of heaven? Is he more disreputable than the knave who frisks his watch meanwhile? And suppose he does see an angel, or even only a blue acre of sky is that not worth as much as the dial in his poke? It is the Boob who is always willing to look hopefully for angels who will see them ultimately.