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It would of course be possible to expend much time and many words in argument on this subject. But many people who examine their own conscience will feel that the description certainly does not suit them; there are many things which conscience disapproves, of which no great evil consequences to themselves or any one else are felt.

It dwells up above, far higher than reason; and thus is it of the nature of veritable wisdom to do countless things whereof reason disapproves, or shall but approve hereafter. So was it that wisdom one day said to reason, It were well to love one's enemies and return good for evil. Reason, that day, tiptoe on the loftiest peak in its kingdom, at last was fain to agree.

All the more remarkable is the entire equanimity with which the Permanent Official accepts the unpalatable decision of a chief who is strong enough to override him, and the absolute loyalty with which he will carry out a policy which he cordially disapproves. Much of a Minister's comfort and success depends upon his Private Secretary.

He is a very honorable man, and openly disapproves of Max, whose conduct he considers unworthy of a true soldier." "Good!" remarked the lieutenant-colonel. "There are not many soldiers here of that stripe," resumed Monsieur Hochon; "the only other that I know is an old cavalry captain." "That is my arm," said Philippe. "Was he in the Guard?" "Yes," replied Monsieur Hochon.

Of course I ought not to have grown angry at Perry's good-natured cynicism; for how could he have imagined that I cared for her? Though I sometimes think, even now, that Perry was indeed anxious lest I should fall in love with her, and wanted to ridicule me out of the notion, and I fear, in spite of his acquaintance, that he disapproves of our engagement.

It was no easy matter to obtain it at all, and, keenly as the maestro disapproves of the caprices of this beautiful power, he can not force it the power, I mean to the obedience which his boys " Here the Emperor laughed shrilly. "The power, the voice! The songstress, you should say.

I have nowhere to go, but I had to find somewhere, because my good landlady is going to her mother's at Highgate, and disapproves of lodgers who stay in on Christmas Day. She gave me notice that I must go out as the house would be locked up." "But where what where could you go?" "I thought of a restaurant and a concert, and a station waiting-room to fill in the gaps. Quite comfortable, you know.

Then he gave that gruff laugh of his that Helen knew to be a signal of surrender. "It's odd," he went on, "how one can admire and respect when often he disapproves. I disapprove of this redheaded girl, but, if it will comfort you any, my child, I will tell you this: Dick's future, in her hands, would be founded on on everlasting rock!" "Perhaps she won't have him!"

The Florentines murmur against those who had been advocates of the war Rinaldo degli Albizzi encourages the citizens Measures for the prosecution of the war Attempt of the higher classes to deprive the plebeians of their share in the government Rinaldo degli Albizzi addresses an assembly of citizens and advises the restoration of the Grandi Niccolo da Uzzano wishes to have Giovanni de' Medici on their side Giovanni disapproves of the advice of Rinaldo degli Albizzi.

The next day his wife meeting one of her Anti-Suffrage friends said: "Er supposing er you had got to know something about these dreadful militant women, something which might help the police, yet didn't want to get too much mixed up with it yourself, and certainly not bring your husband into it the Professor thoroughly disapproves of militancy, even though he may have foolish ideas about the Vote er what would you do?"