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His intention had been, on reaching such a spot, to desert her promptly, but she gave him her hand in the muff so confidingly that against his judgment he fell a-pitying the trustful mite who was wandering the world in search of a mother, and so easily diddled on the whole that the chances were against her finding one before morning.

'Diddle, diddle, diddle, diddle, said he, putting the child on one knee, and working away with it as though he were turning a knife-grinder's wheel with his foot. 'Mamma, mamma, said Julia, crossly. 'I don't want to be diddle diddled. Let me go, you naughty old man, you.

Evan replied quietly: 'She is a stranger to me; and if you could see her, sir, and know her situation, I think she would move your pity. 'I don't doubt it, sir I don't doubt it, returned the chairman. 'They all move our pity. That's how they get over us. She has diddled you, and she would diddle me, and diddle us all-diddle the devil, I dare say, when her time comes. I don't doubt it, sir.

No man or woman thinks of the facts that the squire's pheasants cost about a guinea apiece to rear, that a hare is worth about three-and-sixpence, that a brace of partridges brings two shillings even from the cunning receiver who buys the poachers' plunder. No; they joyously think of the fact that the keepers are diddled, and that satisfies them.

Ah, catch them taking a straight road. But to put on those airs of helplessness, to wave him that gay good-by, and then the moment his back was turned, to be off through the air on perhaps on her muff, to the home he had thought to lure her from. In a word, to be diddled by a girl when one flatters himself he is diddling! S'death, a dashing fellow finds it hard to bear.

The up trains from Dollington were 'few and far between, and that diddled Crutchleigh would be down on him the moment the breath was out of poor Lake. She hates Bracton like poison, because he likes the Brandon people; and, by Jove, he'll have up every soul concerned. The Devil and his wife I call them. If poor Lake goes off anywhere between eleven and four o'clock, I'm nabbed, by George!

"What now?" said the Guernsey-man, when the Captain had returned to them. "He says, Monsieur, that he's very happy to have been of any service to us." "He wants you to take a glass of wine with him," said the interpreter. "Thank him heartily; but tell him it's against my principles to drink with the man I've diddled. In fact, tell him I must go."

It hurt him the more that he had been, simply, diddled, no better than a child in Simmons' astute, practised hands. The latter's rascality was patent, but Simmons could not have been successful unabetted by his own blind negligence. The catastrophe that had overtaken him rankled in his most vulnerable spot his self-esteem.

Algernon, and from the look of the former, that changes were in the air, possibly chicanery, and the proclaiming of himself as neatly diddled by the pair whom, with another, he heartily hoped to dupe. After he had gone by, Edward and Rhoda changed looks. Both knew the destination of that lovely nosegay.

'Think of her, my dear fellow! I think of her too much. I should absolutely have diddled Hounslow, if it had not been for her confounded pretty face flitting about my stupid brain. I saw you speaking to Guardy. You managed that business well. 'Why, as I do all things, I flatter myself, Lucy. Do you know Lord St. Jerome? 'Verbally. We have exchanged monosyllables; but he is of the other set.