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I never shall forget what a d d rap we hit the old Queen Charlotte, with our larboard broadside; every gun went slap into her, double-shotted. D n my eyes, I suppose we diddled at least a hundred men." "Why, Sir," said I, "I always understood she only lost two men on that occasion." "Who told you that?" said Captain G , "your old captain?" "Yes, Sir," said I, "he was a midshipman in her."

Well, there was a regular shilloo in the house when the thing was found out, and cart-ropes wouldn't howld the lady for the rage she was in at being diddled; so she offered rewards, and the dickens knows all; and what do you think at last discovered our poor Jack?" "The sweetheart, maybe," said Larry, grinning in ecstasy at the thought of human perfidy.

Went down to Huntly Burn, and dawdled about while waiting for the carriage to bring me back. Mr. Bruce and Colonel Ferguson pottered away about Persia and India, and I fell asleep by the fireside. Here is a fine spate of work a day diddled away, and nothing to show for it! I must write letters now, there is nothing else for it. But yaw yaw I must take a nap first.

So up he rose, with a loud pech; and while the old woman keelhauled me with a poker on one side, he yerked at me on the other, until at length he gave me a regular cross buttock, and then between them they diddled me outright. When I was fairly floored, "Now, my man," said Adversity, "I bear no spite; if you will but listen to my boy there, we shall be good friends still. He is never unreasonable.

As for that excellent individual, Bowley, he appears among the diddled and disconsolate Chums in the character of a martyr to their interests. A long arrear of rent is due to him, as well as a lengthy bill for refreshments to the various committees, for which he might, if he chose, attach the properties in his keeping.

Diggle is too thick by half. I never could make out why Diggle diddled you about that supercargo business; he don't mean you no kindness, you may be sure; and when you see two villains like him and Parmiter puttin' their heads together, look out for squalls, that's what I say." Desmond was inclined to laugh; the idea seemed preposterous. "Why are you so suspicious of Mr. Diggle?" he said.

"Diddle, diddle, diddle, diddle," said he, putting the child on one knee and working away with it as though he were turning a knife-grinder's wheel with his foot. "Mamma, Mamma," said Julia crossly, "I don't want to be diddle diddled. Let me go, you naughty old man, you." Poor Mr. Thorne put the child down quietly on the ground and drew back his chair; Mr.

And whenever a wet day confined him to the house, or the stable, and he grew tired of smoking, he would begin to swear and curse at her for a diddled old mischief-maker, that could never be easy, and was always troubling the house with her cursed stories, and so forth. But years passed away, and old Molly Doyle remained still in her original position.

"No, not if you kill me!" "Gods!" faltered Rugge. "And the sum I have paid! I am diddled! Who has gone for Mrs. Crane?" "Tom," said the clown. The word was scarcely out of the clown's mouth ere Mrs. Crane herself emerged from a side scene, and, putting off her bonnet, laid both hands on the child's shoulders, and looked her in the face without speaking. The child as firmly returned the gaze.

You would almost have supposed that this was a different Imogen, who was kept in a box most of the time, and taken out for Sundays and grand occasions. She swam about, and diddled, and lisped, and looked at herself in the glass, and was generally grown-up and airy.