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"I was trying to keep it frae you," replied Tommy, sadly. She seized his arm. "Is it Reddy?" she gasped, for the story of Reddy had been a terror to her all her days. "She doesna ken I was the laddie that diddled her in London," he said, "and I promise you never to let on, Elspeth. I I just went to the Den with her to say things that would put her off the scent.

'O sir! you are not used to it; I dare say you never were nabbed before? 'Certainly not. 'There it is; if you will be patient, you will see everything go well. 'Never, my good fellow; nothing can go well. 'O sir! you are not used to it. A regular nob like you, nabbed for the first time, and for such a long figure, sir, sure not to be diddled. Never knowed such a thing yet.

'If you let go, I'm diddled but I'll shoot you. 'Catch the rope, I thay, Thir, or 'tith all over!

And for this reason when a man's diddled we say he's "done." Diddling, rightly considered, is a compound, of which the ingredients are minuteness, interest, perseverance, ingenuity, audacity, nonchalance, originality, impertinence, and grin. Minuteness: Your diddler is minute. His operations are upon a small scale. His business is retail, for cash, or approved paper at sight.

Here was the scamp who had diddled Rochester out of the coal mine, the father of the woman who had diddled him out of thousands. The paragraph in "Who's Who" turned from printed matter to a nest of wriggling vipers. He threw the book on the table, rose up, and began to pace the floor.

Well, such things must be, and our friends mean them as civility, and we must take and give the currency of the country. But I am diddled out of a day all the same. The ladies came from Huntly Burn, and cut off the evening. March 28. In spite of the temptation of a fine morning, I toiled manfully at the review till two o'clock, commencing at seven.

So he told her all that had passed from first to last, and she said, "As for him who diddled thee in the matter of the chanders-wood, thou must know that with us it is worth ten gold pieces a pound. But I will give thee a rede, whereby I trust thou shalt deliver thyself; and it is this.

Bit by bit, with dexterous questions, Charles was made to acknowledge that he wanted to buy diamonds at the price of paste, knowing them to be real; and, a millionaire himself, would gladly have diddled a poor curate out of a couple of thousand. "I was entitled to take advantage of my special knowledge," Charles murmured feebly. "Oh, certainly," the prisoner answered.

H'm! it would astonish his young friend to hear that he had called. Well, let it! And a curious mixture of emotions beset Mr. Ventnor. He saw the whole thing now so plainly, and really could not refrain from a certain admiration. The law had been properly diddled!

Come, Charlie, you used to like a bet. What do you say? I'll buy you that twenty-five guinea book of pictures what's its name? if you give me three hundred guineas one month after I'm a peer of Parliament. Hey? There's a sporting offer for you. Well! what do you say eh? 'You mean to come out as an orator, then? 'Orator be diddled! Do you take me for a fool?