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Crutchleigh; it would seem we have made a mistake? Mrs. Crutchleigh was sensitive about the dignity of the family of Clay Manor; and her cheeks flushed above the rouge, and her eyes flashed severely. 'That's singing particularly loud singing. Either we have mistaken the night, or somebody has taken upon him to upset all the arrangements.

You'll be good enough to enquire whether there will be dancing to-night; I and Anastasia will remain in the cloak-room; and we'll all leave if you please, Mr. Crutchleigh, if this goes on. The fact is, Mrs.

Crutchleigh stayed her step upon the stairs abruptly, and turned, with a look of fierce surprise upon her lean, white-headed lord, arresting thereby the upward march of Corfe Crutchleigh, Esq., the hope of his house, who was pulling on his gloves, with his eldest spinster sister on his lank arm. 'There appears to be a concert going on; we came here to a ball. Had you not better enquire, Mr.

Crutchleigh had got an inkling of this performance, and had affected to believe it impossible; and, detesting old Lady Chelford for sundry slights and small impertinences, and envying Brandon and its belongings, was resolved not to be put down by presumption in that quarter. Old Lady Chelford sat in an arm-chair in the supper-room, where a considerable audience was collected.

The up trains from Dollington were 'few and far between, and that diddled Crutchleigh would be down on him the moment the breath was out of poor Lake. She hates Bracton like poison, because he likes the Brandon people; and, by Jove, he'll have up every soul concerned. The Devil and his wife I call them. If poor Lake goes off anywhere between eleven and four o'clock, I'm nabbed, by George!