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"All are equal, my dear friend! all are equal! Ve are all Got's children. The poorest man haf the same rights with me. Jack! Jack! some more sugar and brandy. Dhere is dhat fellow now! He is a Mulatto but he is my equal. That's right, Jack! Shake hands with me, you dog! Dhere, dhere! We are all equal my dear friend!

A brief but animated conversation at once ensued, at the end of which Jantje turned to his employers and explained: "Dhese people say, sars, dat dhere is four, five lion in de bush yander and dhey won' go 'way, and dhey wan' to know if white gent'men be so kind as to kill dhem lion; because if dhey not be killed dhey kill de poor Kafirs' cattle.

Dhere is not von instance recorded in dhe whole historia of Denmark. ANSWER. And since then, Sir ? THE DANE. I was sent ofer to dhe Vest Indies to our Island, and dhere I had no more to do vid books. No! no! I put my genius anodher way and I haf made ten tousand pound a year. Is not dhat ghenius, my dear friend? But vat is money? I dhink dhe poorest man alive my equal.

Our domestic's next remark had, at least, the effect of teaching what was her nationality: "An' do ye think that I'd ax fur a sthove av dhere was a range in the house? Dhivil a bit!" "Never mind, dear," said I soothingly; "I'm an old soldier; I'll make a fire out of doors, and give you as nice a cup of tea and plate of hot biscuit as you ever tasted.

ANSWER. Sir! a man like you cannot talk on any subject without discovering the depth of his information. THE DANE. Dhe grammatic Greek, my friend; ha! ha! Ha! Dhere did happen about me vat de whole historia of Denmark record no instance about nobody else. Dhe bishop did ask me all dhe questions about all dhe religion in dhe Latin grammar. ANSWER. The grammar, Sir? The language, I presume

A visit to the Minister's brothers Dexterity of Colonel Dhere Shum Shere Scenes for lovers of the Fancy Adieu to Nepaul The view from the summit of the Chandernagiri pass The scenery of Nepaul The pass of Bhimphede Night quarters.

My eye was caught by "Initial," a love-story which I had always avoided because I had heard impressible young ladies rave about it; but now I picked it up and dropped into an easy chair. Suddenly I heard Mike the coachman shouting: "Go away from there, will ye? Ah, ye little spalpeen, it's good for ye that yer fahder don't see ye perched up dhere. Go way from dhat, or I'll be tellin' yer uncle."

I had already mentally whispered my adieu, as, riding behind my companion on the rawboned pony, I crossed the boundary stream; and pleased and interested as we had been with our short stay in Nepaul, still we could not help regretting that it had not fallen to our lot to discover new wonders to encamp on the shores of the great lake situated in the distant province of Malebum, the existence of which was vaguely hinted at by my friend Colonel Dhere Shum Shere to explore unvisited mountains, and to luxuriate in the magnificent scenery which they must contain; the enjoyment heightened by the feeling that we were the first Europeans who had penetrated their inhospitable recesses.

"Don't care for nasty old uncle," piped Toddie's voice. I laid down my book with a sigh, and went into the garden. Mike saw me and shouted: "Misther Burthon, will ye look dhere? Did ye's ever see the loike av dhat bye?" Looking up at the play-room window, a long, narrow sort of loop-hole in a Gothic gable, I beheld my youngest nephew standing upright on the sill. "Toddie, go in quick!"

Colonel Dhere Shum Shere, such was his name, was the most jovial, light- hearted, and thoroughly unselfish being imaginable, brave as a lion, as recent events in Nepaul have proved, always anxious to please, and full of amusing conversation, which, however, from my limited knowledge of Hindostanee, I was unable fully to appreciate.