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And above Winona you'll have lovely prairies; and then come the Thousand Islands, too beautiful for anything; green? why you never saw foliage so green, nor packed so thick; it's like a thousand plush cushions afloat on a looking-glass when the water 's still; and then the monstrous bluffs on both sides of the river ragged, rugged, dark-complected just the frame that's wanted; you always want a strong frame, you know, to throw up the nice points of a delicate picture and make them stand out.

"'Who be you? sezee. 'I'm Philip Atherly, a member of Congress, sez the long, dark-complected man, sezee, 'and I'm on a commission for looking into this yer Injin grievance, sezee.

You see, here is a dark-complected lady that you like, and she has a heart for you, but her father don’t like youhe prefers a young man of lighter complexionsee, here you all are, my son.

It was a fiddle he played while Rome burned it might have been a saxophone. But to the melody-loving heart of the black race in our land the mooing tones of this long-waisted, dark-complected horn carry messages as of great joy. It had remained, though, for the resourceful Rev.

"I don't mean no 'arm, sir; it was just their 'ounding him, like, and 'is being a dark-complected man the syme as them, and speakin' their language so ready, that made me think it. At least 'e might 'ave 'ad a little of their blood in 'im, sir. Things 'd seem unaccountable otherwise," concluded Doggott vaguely. "It's impossible!" cried Amber. "Yes, sir; at least, I mean I 'ope so, sir.

"So you thought I was a detective or a deputy sheriff. That's certainly funny." "For all I know yet you may be one." "I never did see anyone with a disposition so dark-complected as yours. If you won't put them suspicions to sleep I'll have to table my cards." From his pocket he drew a copy of the Saguache Sentinel and showed her a marked story.

At the conclusion of it Harvey rather snorted. Sinclair asked questions. "Was anybody else there when you saw McCloud, Bill?" "One man," answered Bill impressively. "Who?" "A stranger to me." "A stranger? What did he look like?" "Slender man and kind of odd talking, with a sandy mustache." "Hear his name?" "He told me his name, but it's skipped me, I declare. He's kind of dark-complected like."

When he heard I was coming up here he said: 'See if you can find out what's become of Walter Forest. Ain't heard from him in twenty year." "What this fellow call?" asked Musq'oosis. "Er George Smith," Joe improvised. "Big, dark-complected guy. Traveller in the cigar line." Musq'oosis nodded. "Walter Forest died twenty year ago," he said. "How?" asked Joe. "Went through the ice wit' his team."

"Lor', honey! didn't you never hear 'bout dat trunk? It was lef' wid your Uncle David for sto'age durin' de war. A slim, dark-complected young man brought it one evenin' about sundown, an' from dat day to dis none of us has ever set eyes on him." "What do you suppose became of him?" "De good Lord knows, honey.

Two or three of the men looked at Jim. "You may bet your pile on that, Major!" said he, with becoming gravity; "we love our friends, and we hate our enemies, and it's the dark-complected fellows that are the first down this way." "Pretty-looking set of friends!"