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Updated: August 2, 2024

MY DEAR FRIEND: Lord Holderness has been so kind as to communicate to me all the letters which he has received from you hitherto, dated the 15th, 19th, 23d, and 26th August; and also a draught of that which he wrote to you the 9th instant. Therefore, pray do not neglect to get the blackest ink you can; and to make your secretary enlarge his hand, though 'd'ailleurs' it is a very good one.

Je suis d'ailleurs fort heureux d'avoir quelquefois, par votre intermediaire, des relations avec Lord Salisbury, pour le caractere et le talent duquel j'ai toujours eu une si haute estime, et que j'aime d'ailleurs toujours a considerer comme mon proche voisin de campagne.

At least I find that, since my late great rheumatism, I cannot walk above half an hour at a time, which I do not place singly to the account of my years, but chiefly to the great shock given then to my limbs. 'D'ailleurs' I am pretty well for my age and shattered constitution. As I told you in my last, I must tell you again in this, that I have no news to send.

The hot bath always promotes my perspiration, which is sluggish, and supples my stiff rheumatic limbs. 'D'ailleurs', I am at present as well, and better than I could reasonably expect to be, 'annu septuagesimo primo'. May you be so as long, 'y mas'! God bless you! LONDON, October 25, 1765 MY DEAR FRIEND: I received your letter of the 10th 'sonica'; for I set out for Bath to-morrow morning.

I maintained that it was; and feeling a momentary importance at the recollection of my country, added, in an assuring tone, "Et d'ailleurs je suis Anglaise et par consequent libre d'aller ou bon me semble.*" The man stared, but admitted my argument, and we passed on. *"Besides, I am a native of England, and, consequently, have a right to go where I please."

The island of Malta will prove a great acquisition to the French; as well for its excellent harbour as for the immense wealth it contains: they will also get a few ships of war and a considerable quantity of naval stores. D'ailleurs, the suppression of a useless order that encouraged idleness will be no real detriment to the cause of Christianity. "Sunday, June 24th.

The letters are very well worth your reading; they throw light upon many things of those times. I have just received a letter from Sir William Stanhope, from Lyons; in which he tells me that he saw you at Paris, that he thinks you a little grown, but that you do not make the most of it, for that you stoop still: 'd'ailleurs' his letter was a panegyric of you.

As a French gentleman said to me the other day, with an unanswerable shrug, "Tout le monde sait que R est son amant; d'ailleurs, c'est la femme la plus aimable du monde."

In England many are the tales of scandal that have been related of the Consul and all his family: I don't believe them. A lady told me it was "vraiment extraordinaire qu'un jeune homme comme lui ait de moeurs si exemplaires et d'ailleurs on ne s'attend pas qu'un homme soit fidele a une femme qui est plus agee que lui: mais si agee aussi!

Que me donnerez-vous, et je vous le presenterai'? And then, with a little more seriousness, I would add: 'Mais d'ailleurs c'est que je ne desavoue jamais mes connoissances, a cause de leur etat ou de leur figure. Il faut avoir bien peu de sentimens pour le faire'. This would at once put an end to that momentary pleasantry, and give them all a better opinion of me than they had before.

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