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It had not been my husband's habit to speak cuttingly, but latterly there has been a change and he never spares Sandip. "What makes you suppose that artists need no teachers?" Sandip retorted. "Art is a creation," my husband replied. "So we should humbly be content to receive our lessons about Art from the work of the artist."

She was entirely mistress of herself and the occasion. Sir Timothy's face was cold and terrible. "I must apologise for this second intrusion, Mr. Ledsam," he said cuttingly. "I think you will admit that the circumstances warrant it. Am I to understand that you lied to me this morning?" "You are to understand nothing of the sort," Francis answered.

For some unknown reason, he resented any slur cast at Isabel. "And," replied Juliet, cuttingly, "when a lady gets married, she wants to marry a gentleman." The accent carried insult with it, and Romeo left the house, slamming the door and whistling, defiantly until he was out of hearing. There was no longer any need for Juliet to keep back the tears.

They refuted this by saying that this defence was admissible only for earlier and better times, but not for "the qadhis of our time." To which he cuttingly replied "And ye, are ye canonists of the better, the ancient time?" In truth, the students of sacred science are just as much "of our time" as the qadhis. Even in the eleventh century the great theologian Ghazali counted them all equal.

"How!" said Sid, gravely, "why, the emblem of peace is the cornucopia, which your lady and you equitably divide: she carries the copia, and you the cor ." Nay, Morton, nay, I cannot finish the jest; for, after all, it was a sorry thing in little Sid, whom I had befriended like a brother, with heart and purse, to wound me so cuttingly; but 'tis the way with your jesters.

All the shops and cafés were closed. Many of the lamps were demolished, and others were not lighted, the gas being shut off. A fearful gloom brooded over the city. The winter wind swept sharply and cuttingly along the deserted streets, and rain, which froze as it fell, at intervals dashed down. The Hôtel de Ville was encompassed by troops as the friends approached it.

I am not of the army," adds my Lord, cuttingly; "I am a seaman, and not supposed to know a stirrup from a snaffle." "'Od's blood!" yelled the captain, "you question my horsemanship, my Lord? Do I understand your Lordship to question my courage?" "After I am thrown!" cries his Grace, very ugly, and fingering the jewels on his hilt.

Crane" she took the reins in her whip hand, and put her left on his arm, pleadingly "for God's sake, for his mother's sake, save him. You can do it you can believe that he is innocent, and stop everything. The money has been paid back." "It isn't that, Miss Allis" his voice was so cuttingly even after the erratic pump of her own "in a bank one must not have a dishonest person.

"Well," said Smith finally, "as I said in the first place, I can't see how any other than the human form became supreme. As I understand biology " "What gets me," interrupted Van Emmon; "what gets me is, WHY the humans have allowed such an infernal thing to happen!" Billie smiled somewhat sardonically. "I thought," she remarked, cuttingly, "that you were always in sympathy with the upper dog, Mr.

The slightest noise was enough to throw the patient into a paroxysm of anguished fright; and some died on the decks immediately on contact with the cuttingly cold air. Others expired as they were lowered to the stretchers; others, as they were laid along the strip of sandy shore, where the bold foxes were already devouring the dead and could scarcely be driven off by the dying.