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I must, I will speak now, if bear with me, dear girl, I did not mean to be rude, but " A footstep was heard in the passage. "Supper will be cooling, I fear," said the hollow voice of Mr Cupples. "Oh! I beg pardon. I did not know I " Will turned, and rushed at his friend with savage intentions. At the same moment the figure of a man darkened the doorway.

You shall have what you want, even if it causes the head-waiter to perish in his pride. When Mr Cupples had been supplied with his monastic drink, and the waiter had retired, Trent looked across the table with significance. 'In this babble of many conversations, he said, 'we can speak as freely as if we were on a bare hillside.

"Another reason I have for suggesting Sheppard's," continued Trent, feverishly lighting a cigarette, "is that I am going to be married to the most wonderful woman in the world. I trust the connection of ideas is clear." "You are going to marry Mabel!" cried Mr. Cupples. "My dear friend, what good news this is! Shake hands, Trent; this is glorious!

But meantime we must return to the commencement of the interview. "Ony mair Greek, laddie?" asked Mr Cupples. "No, thank you, sir," answered Alec. "I only came to see you. You told me to come again to-night." "Did I? Well, it may stand. But I protest against being made accountable for anything that fellow Cupples may choose to say when I'm not at home."

"The head-waiter has a weak heart, and he might hear you. Milk and soda-water! Cupples, you may think you have a strong constitution, and I don't say you have not, but I warn you that this habit of mixing drinks has been the death of many a robuster man than you. Be wise in time. Fill high the bowl with Samian wine; leave soda to the Turkish hordes. Here comes our food."

What an ass a man can make of himself when he thinks he's being preternaturally clever!" He seized the bulky envelop from the table, and stuffed it into the heart of the fire. "There's for you, old friend! For want of you the world's course will not fail. But look here! It's getting late nearly seven, and Cupples and I have an appointment at half-past. We must go. Mr. Marlowe, good-by."

"I never was across the door-sill o' sic a place afore," said Mr Cupples, "nor, please God, will either you or me ever cross sic a door-sill again." "Hooly, hooly, Mr Cupples! Speak for ane at a time. I'm gaein in this minute. Luckie Cumstie turned on the caller air ower sune for me." "Man!" said Cupples, laying hold of Alec's coat, "think that ye hae a mither.

I s' warran' He's as kin'-hertit as yersel." James had no reputation for piety, though much for truthfulness and honesty. Nor had he any idea how much lay in the words he had hastily uttered. A light-gleam grew and faded on Thomas's face. "I said, he micht be forced to sen' me efter a'." "What, Thomas!" cried Cupples. "He cudna save ye! Wi' the Son and the Speerit to help him?

The night had gathered thick about them. And for a few moments out of the darkness came no sound. At length Mr Cupples resumed: "I maun jist confess, cauf that I was and yet I wad hae been a greater cauf gin it hadna been sae I cud hae lickit the verra dist aff o' the flure whaur her fit had been.

This morning he was very hungry, having already been up and about for an hour; and he decided to allow himself a third piece of toast and an additional egg; the rest as usual. The remaining deficit must be made up at luncheon, but that could be gone into later. So much being determined, Mr. Cupples applied himself to the enjoyment of the view for a few minutes before ordering his meal.