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An hour later, having creakingly crossed a long trestle, the strange train, still bumping and rattling, made its way along the even newer and worse track which led into Athabasca Landing. There were neither depot nor light to make cheer for the tired travelers.

Slowly and creakingly the door rose, showing a yawning chasm beneath, while a rush of fetid air assailed their nostrils! The three Army Boys started back almost letting go the trap door in their desire to escape the noxious odor and fill their lungs with the cool winter air. "What is this anyway the entrance to the infernal regions?" asked Billy.

Soon the great doors commenced slowly to swing creakingly open, and presently, as they separated, the girl saw behind them the motive force which operated the massive doors to each door a half-dozen naked Negroes. At the doorway her two guards were turned back and their places taken by a half dozen of the yellow-coated soldiery.

Only in a dim, vague way had Kala explained to him that his father had been a strange white ape, but he did not know that Kala was not his own mother. On this day, then, he went directly to the door and spent hours examining it and fussing with the hinges, the knob and the latch. Finally he stumbled upon the right combination, and the door swung creakingly open before his astonished eyes.

He was determined to break the matter off; it haunted his dreams, it troubled him all day; he was forced to keep his acquaintanceship with them secret, and was in perpetual terror lest Aunt Clare should discover it. He had that most depressing of unwished-for possessions, a skeleton; its cupboard-door swung creakingly in the wind, and its bones rattled in his ears.

"Nor a mantle, nor a cape, nor a how do you call it? a sports coat?" "Not green, sir." "Nor anyone else in the house?" Annie reflected. "No, sir." "You are sure of that?" "Quite sure." "Bien! That is all I want to know. Thank you very much." With a nervous giggle, Annie took herself creakingly out of the room. My pent-up excitement burst forth. "Poirot," I cried, "I congratulate you!

As we came to the gate: "Nothing now," said Smith, pointing into the darkness of the road before us, "except a couple of studios, until one comes to the Heath." He inserted the key in the lock of the gate and swung it creakingly open.

We know how lonely you must be, and Malcolm and I decided we must run in on you after lunch. Didn't we, Malcolm?" Mr. Malcolm Corcoran Dunn, her son, was a blond young man, with a rather indolent manner. "Sure, Mater!" he said, calmly. "How d'ye do, Caroline? 'Lo, Steve!" The quartette shook hands. Mrs. Dunn sank creakingly into a chair and gazed about the room.

He was the guilty one. That was the one fact that he knew. And then he paused; the door opened creakingly and his mother entered. She was a magnificent young-old woman, her body sixty-three years old, her mind singularly fresh and young.

"I got an eye on 'em." "Easy, Mister," urged Mack, as he picked up the reins again. "One o' them is a young lady. You're a gent, I take it, as wouldn't frighten no female." "Stow that!" advised Pete, with vigor. "Come out o' there!" Mack started the mules, and they dragged the wagon creakingly up the bank. Frances and Pratt rode meekly in its wake.