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Rezanov, wondering at the subtle change in Concha, bowed ceremoniously and murmured: "You will give me the first dance, senorita?" "Certainly, Excellency. Are you not the guest of honor?" She motioned to the Indian musicians, fiddles and guitars fairly leaped to position, and in a moment Rezanov enjoyed the novel delusion of encircling a girl's floating wraith. "We can waltz, you see!

Concha dried her eyes, but her face was deathly pale. It had not been all acting, by any means, and she was beginning to feel the tyranny of sleepless nights; and the joy and wonder of the morning had left her with but a remnant of endurance for the domestic battleground. "Go," she whispered, as he took her in his arms.

And over all, hills and valley and canyon and mountain, was a bright opalescent mist. Green, pink, and other pale colors gleamed as behind a thin layer of crystal. Where the sun shone through a low white cloud upon a distant slope there might have been a great globe of iridescent glass illuminated within. The water was a light, soft, filmy yet translucent blue. Concha gazed with parted lips.

'Love letters! ejaculated Senora Barenna. She evidently had a keen sense of the romantic, and hoped for something more tragic than a mere flirtation begotten of idleness at sea. 'Yes, said Concha, crossing his legs and looking at his companion with a queer cynicism. 'Young people mostly pass that way. He had had a tragedy, this old man.

'Politics are all very well as a career. But without a distinct profit they are worth the attention of few men, and never worth the thought of a woman. He looked at her keenly, and she turned to the window, which was open to admit the breath of violets and other flowers of the spring. She shrugged her shoulders and gave a sharp sigh. 'See here, my child, said Padre Concha abruptly.

The patriots now made their first important move. A force of 1,200 volunteers, commanded by Ocampo and Balcarce, marched against Córdoba, where Liniers and Concha were in command of the Royalist forces. These latter were defeated and their leaders executed. Flushed by its success, the Argentine army then invaded Peru.

She had begged Sister María Sal the sister of Luis Argüello's first wife to tell it her, but the old nun had reproved her sharply for sinful curiosity and upon one occasion boxed her ears. But tonight she might be in a softer mood, and Teresa resolved that when the last rites were over she would make her talk of Concha Argüello.

Concha was the first to move. He turned and crossed the room towards Conyngham. 'I see, he said, 'Estella in the garden. And they passed out of the room together, leaving Julia Barenna alone with her thoughts. On the broad stone balcony Concha paused. 'I will stay here, he said. He looked over the balustrade. Senora Barenna was still asleep. 'Do not awake her, he whispered.

Concha pressed close to him, eager to feel the protection of his powerful body. "Master! My friend! You won't leave me! You are so good!" And closing her eyes that no longer wept, she kissed his strong neck, and looked up with her eyes still moist, seeking his face in the shadow.

At the end of this pilgrimage, almost feeling his way through the deserted house, he saw a spot of light, the door of the countess's bedroom, the only room that was alive, lighted up by the glow of the setting sun. Concha was there beside the window, buried in a chair, her brow contracted, her glance lost in the distance, her face tinged with the orange of the dying light.