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A portly, heavily built man was he, some forty years of age, a widower, whose children were at their mother's old home in the far East, a business man with a keen eye for opportunities and investments, a fellow who was reputed to have stock in a dozen mines and kindred enterprises, a knowing hand who drove fast horses and owned quite a stable, a sharp hand who played a thriving game of poker, and had no compunctions as to winning.

He found nothing in this to lessen her in his eyes, for he knew that women have no civic virtues. He drank to their better acquaintance with few compunctions; a matter not scandalous, for there is nothing like a witty woman to turn a man's head, and there was not so much at stake after all. Tarboe had gone on for many a year till his trade seemed like the romance of law rather than its breach.

Personally he would have felt no compunctions whatever about letting the calf go, a walking advertisement of Manley's guilt. It seemed to him a sort of grim retribution, and no more than he deserved.

Alston, smiling significantly, "I think I understand her symptoms better than you do. If you are as cold- blooded as you seem, I may have to interfere." "Oh, bah!" he answered impatiently. "Pardon me, but I should despise myself forever should I become sentimental, knowing what I do." "Jack, had you no compunctions when fearing that such a beautiful girl might perish?

In spite of the clean-cut look of him he was broadshouldered and tall, with an effect of decision in the square cleft chin that would some day degenerate into fatness Ned Merrill played the game of business without any compunctions. "You're making a bad fight of it, O'Brien. Old style methods won't win for us. These crank reformers have got the people stirred up.

And Feather at the window breathlessly watching the two cabs with the servants' trunks on top, and the servants respectably unprofessional in attire and going away quietly without an unpractical compunction he saw these also and comprehended knowing exactly why compunctions had no part in latter-day domestic arrangements. Why should they?

You wish me to go to this woman and tell her that her marriage was a fraud?" "I do." "There have been pleasanter tasks." "Will you do it, or will you not?" "Suppose she will not believe me?" "You must compel her." "Young man, have you no compunctions about this business?" said the judge, leaning forward and looking earnestly into the blue eyes.

But he cut the little tree, with casual ease and no compunctions, and they dragged it to their home, the soft branches patterning the snow and obscuring their footprints. "It's like real Christmas weather," Ellen said. "They can't stop that coming, anyhow." In the kitchen Ellen's father sat before the open oven door of the cooking stove, letting the snow melt from his heavy boots.

Some difficulty first, but not too much; the struggle that leads to the prize! As he softly let himself in at the side door of the Tower, and mounted to his new room, his whole nature was like a fiercely sped arrow, aflight for its goal. Of what obstacles might lie between him and his goal he had ceased to take account. Compunctions had disappeared.

While these strange men grew no more genial with passing of the flagons, Rip was pervaded by a satisfying glow; then, overcome by sleepiness and resting his head on a stone, he stretched his tired legs out and fell to dreaming. Morning. Sunlight and leaf shadow were dappled over the earth when he awoke, and rising stiffly from his bed, with compunctions in his bones, he reached for his gun.