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This was a gentleman of about thirty, tall, broadshouldered, and red-haired; his face was red, too, and he possessed a pair of thick lips, a wide nose, small eyes, rather bloodshot, and with an ironical expression in them; as though he were perpetually winking at someone. His whole appearance gave one the idea of impudence; his dress was shabby. He opened the door just enough to let his head in.

His mouth was wide, his nose irregular, his hair a nondescript brown, but the mouth had humor, the nose character, and, thank Heaven, there was plenty of hair. Not that Harmony saw all this at once. As he tacked to and fro round the tables, with a nod here and a word there, she got a sort of ensemble effect a tall man, possibly thirty, broadshouldered, somewhat stooped, as tall men are apt to be.

Was he not a tall, broadshouldered, graceful lad, with a complexion like milk and blood, and eyes the colour of a bluebottle, and did he not trim his moustaches and beard like a nobleman? It was a pity he was not a foreman with plenty of opportunities of ordering the girls about! The men, however, were whispering among themselves that he was a scoundrel who would come to a bad end.

Perhaps, when things became too bad, some revengeful man who had been deeply injured would try to meet evil with evil by murdering the king, or by getting up a war against him. In either case, many innocent men had to suffer from the evils that grew out of it. But one day a better way was found. Louis of Daneshold was now a grave, broadshouldered, powerful man.

A man would not be as broadshouldered as that and have a waist like a wasp and his back like a board without a little lacing, and a good deal, too." "Well, have it your own way, Jenny. Won't you give me a morsel of breakfast?" "Well, Tom, I can give you some just for form's sake; but bless you, you won't able to eat it." "Why not?"

He was a broadshouldered loose-limbed swarthy fellow of great strength, never in a hurry, and always slouching.

In spite of the clean-cut look of him he was broadshouldered and tall, with an effect of decision in the square cleft chin that would some day degenerate into fatness Ned Merrill played the game of business without any compunctions. "You're making a bad fight of it, O'Brien. Old style methods won't win for us. These crank reformers have got the people stirred up.