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Every few moments he pushed another circle or spindle of thorium out of the hole. Rip directed some of the men to carry them away, to the other side of the asteroid. He didn't want chunks of thorium flying around from the blast. The sergeant major had a sudden thought. He cut off his communicator, motioned to Rip to do the same, then put his helmet against Rip's for direct communication.

Microwaves from the ground played upon them radar used by friend and foe alike and the friendly radar guided tight-beam communicator waves to them with comforting assurance that their joint course and height and speed were exactly the calculated optimum. But they could not be seen at all.

"I'd rehearsed my song-and-dance until we thought it was perfect. What made you suspicious, Lockley? Did you notice we kept the communicator aimed right so you'd hear through to the end? A fine point, that. We worried about it." The headlights of a car moved against a mountainside. "You see," said Vale, "the thing had to be done this way! Sattell swore a blue streak when it was explained to him.

Here is a clear recognition of the difficulty involved in controlling the organism, and this is greatly accentuated when we remember that all such communications must be given when the soi-disant communicator is in a constrained mental attitude "gripping the light," "hanging on to the medium's body," while giving the communications. There is a double strain involved; and, as Dr.

The gravity's tolerable a little on the light side, maybe, compared to the glacier planet." He was silent, staring at the blank wall of the control-room. He frowned. Suddenly he said: "Does anybody back on Earth know that Babs and I were castaways?" "No," said Holden, still very quiet indeed. "Alicia ran the control-board. She told everybody you were too busy to be called to the communicator.

He worked through the stack of paper, occasionally calling upon his clerk for file data, sometimes making a communicator call. At last, he pushed away the last remaining report and leaned back. He spun his chair about, activated the large entertainment screen, and spent some time watching a playlet. At the end of the play, he glanced at his watch, then turned back to his desk.

By the small number of cells we've got here I'm afraid they've split us up lengthwise, too so that instead of having a whole slice of the old watermelon to live in, we've got only about a sixth of one shaped about like a piece of restaurant pie. One thing I can do, though. I'll turn on the communicator receiver and put it on full coverage maybe we can hear something useful."

But he wasn't loose three minutes before the communicator in the truck squawked the all-police alarm for him. It was to be expected. All the city would shortly be one enormous man-trap, set to catch Bron Hoddan. There was only one place on the planet, in fact, where he could be safe and he wouldn't be safe there if he'd been officially charged with murder.

He had planned on the asteroid's change of orbit. In a minute at most they would be back on the rock. His propulsion tube flared out, and he released it. It would travel along with him, but his hands would be free. Then he saw something else. The blast had started the asteroid turning! He reacted instantly. Turning up his communicator he yelled, "Koa! The rock is spinning!

Lyad glanced at the outline in the detectors. "It is!" Her face went white. "Talk to 'em," he ordered. "Know their call number?" "Of course," Lyad sat down at the communicator. Her hands shook for a moment, then steadied. "What am I to say?" "Just find out what's happened, to start with. Why they're still here. Then we'll improvise. Get them to come to the screen if you can."