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I knew they were going away, but it was a matter of such slight importance to me, such slight importance" I impressed this on his collarbone "that I was left with the idea that they were going to the south of France. I believe they are in the south of France. And there you are. I'm sorry to spoil sport, but that's the bleak unromantic truth of the matter."

"A bunch of the boys caught another one this morning. They didn't do a thing to him. My goodness gracious, no. In less'n two minutes he was the worst wreck they ever hauled to the receivin' hospital. The evenin' papers gave the score: nose broken, three bad scalp wounds, front teeth out, a broken collarbone, an' two broken ribs. Gee! He certainly got all that was comin' to him.

One of them'd just landed his brogans on my face when I let'm have it. The bullet entered just above his knee, smashed the collarbone, where it came out, and then clipped off an ear. I guess that bullet's still going. It took more than a full-sized man to stop it. So I say, give me a good handy gat when something's doing."

"My! it must be quite exciting to work for the pictures," said romantic Bess. "Sure it is," chuckled the farmer. "One feller fell off a hoss while they was up here an' broke his collarbone; an' one of the gals tried ter milk our old Sukey from the wrong side, an' Sukey nigh kicked her through the side of the shed," and Mr. Snubbins indulged in another fit of laughter over this bit of comedy.

I would be so glad if she could stay at school next time she comes, but she was sliding on the ice, and she fell and broke herself right here." Cordelia touched her collarbone. "She is mended, but my mother is afraid to leave her with the children now," she added. "But next year she will leave her. If your big and little sister come to school they will have nice mission things."

Ganpat was secured before the last man became aware of what was happening. Hari hesitated at the threshold, hearing the sound of a slight scuffle caused by the seizure of his companion. "Tell him to come in," whispered Desmond in the serang's ear, emphasizing the order by laying the cold blade of a knife against his collarbone.

"He can about do anything he wants to with Tammany or any other old thing in the political line. He's a mile high and as broad as East River. You say anything against Big Mike, and you'll have a million men on your collarbone in about two seconds. Why, he made a visit over to the old country awhile back, and the kings took to their holes like rabbits. "Well, Big Mike's a friend of mine.

Alas! it was too true poor George had fallen down from off a scaffolding, and had put out his collarbone, and broken several ribs! He had slily left his home, according to his threat at school; had asked his way at last to Kensington all weary, hot, and frightened and then had found, too late, that there was "no admission but on business" allowed.

Johnny laughed a little uncertainly over this contradiction. "Did I kill him?" he asked. "No, worse luck; just bored him through the collarbone. That heavy little derringer ball knocked him out." "I'm glad of that," said Johnny. "Which I am not," stated Danny Randall with emphasis. "You ought to have killed him." "Thanks to you I wasn't killed myself.

One was the appreciation of snow, which I have so humbly tried here to render; was a collarbone, of which I am extra careful; was a memory of what it is to eat very extremely bad food for a week; and was the cause of a little note delivered at the end of the week and hand-painted in blue pencil on a sheet of meat paper. "I cannot come back there to that there job. Mrs. Snow say no, George.