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Bigsby to Lummox, "Dan'l might hev done all this without frightenin' the poor old critter into a nervous fever, chillin' her through by makin' her walk two miles through the snow, and keepin' her on the ragged edge o' despair for two mortal hours! But it's his humorous way." "Did he give any reason for being so lenient to the widow?" asked Lummox.

"Is it the years are tellin', puttin' the frost in me veins and chillin' the blood? A likely lad, an' is it for me to misjudge because his is a-takin' way with the ladies? Just because the swate creatures smile on the lad an' flutter warm at the sight iv him? Bright eyes and brave men! 'Tis the way they have iv lovin' valor.

But cold Reality said in her chillin' practical whisper, "It's nothin' but Gananoque or Clayton," and she went on, "They hain't anything like the New Jerusalem, either of them." Alas for us poor mortals! who drive or are driv by the two contendin' coharts of Imagination, Idealized Fancy and practical Reality.

"All o'er those wide, extended plains Shines one eternal day; Thar God, the Son, forever reigns, An scatters night away. "No chillin' winds or poisonous breath Kin reach thet healthful shore; Sickness an' sorrow, pain an' death, Are felt an' feared no more." After dark Fortner came in. Both women studied his face eagerly as he walked up to the fire.

I keeps the fire on in the stove to make un warm. The blankets were a bit damp." "I never woke up till I heard you chopping wood," said Charley. "Feelin' good after yesterday's wettin' and chillin'?" asked Skipper Zeb solicitously. "Fine and dandy!" Charley answered. "Isn't it great out here!" "'Tis a fine marnin'," agreed Skipper Zeb.

The' was no time to waste now; Dick had a card up his sleeve, an' this was his chance to take the trick, or he'd spoil my own game. The room was so still it hurt you to breathe. Somebody sneezed, an' it sounded like a boiler explosion. "Judson," sez Dick, an' he was smilin' now; but it was the chillin' smile I had first seen durin' the card game. It wasn't a pleasant smile.

You know when you hear of some marriages a part of you is pleased, mebby it is Common Sense, whilst Romance and Fancy has to set dumb and demute. Or mebby Fancy sings whilst cold Reason is spreadin' a wet blanket on her part of the band, chillin' the notes and spilein' the instrument. But here Reason, Romance, Love and Common Sense all jined in together and sung the wedding anthem loud and clear.

"'She'll go ashore on them boilin' rocks, says the cook. "We was sittin' in the cabin the cook an' the second hand an' me. "''Tis wonderful cold, says the second hand. "'I'm chillin', meself, says the cook. "'Chillin'! thinks I, havin' in mind the way poor Tommy Mib was took. 'Has you a pain in your back? says I.

"Now did anybody ever hear the like o' that," Margaret retorted. "I never seed sich a man." "Mother ain't so powerful well," said Laz. "She ain't bed sick, but she's a chillin' a good deal. Got the shakes when she went down to the creek bottoms. Can't eat nuthin' but spoon vittuls." Margaret, dismissing the visitor from further attention, took up a coffee-mill and sat down near the fire-place.

"I'll fetch a chair." She brought a comfortable rustic rocking-chair from the farther end of the porch; then disappeared into the house, to return a moment later with a heavy shawl. "Hit'll be a-turnin' cold directly, now the sun's plumb down," she said, "an' you-all mustn't get to chillin', nohow."