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Updated: August 4, 2024

"Look at the length of time it 'ud take them to be gettin' there, an' the two of them so wake on their legs, God help them! No, but it'll be betther for them step down to my little place that's handy. An' it ud' take them no time at all to get there." "Good gracious, woman, where would ye put them in that little shebeen sure there isn't room in it for your own childer.

"Arrah now, if I had the wife and childer myself, maybe I'd be settling on a farm of my own; but, somehow or other, when I go to bed at night, it isn't often that I'm richer than when I got up in the morning." "You won't have the whiskey here, Pat; so maybe you'll have a better chance. Just try what you can do," said Michael, in a kind tone.

Kilfoyle said, "I'd liefer than a great deal they kep' out of it. Ne'er a one of the lot of them I ever beheld but had the eyes rowlin' in his head wid villiny. And the childer, goodness help them, do be worse than the grown people." And Ody Rafferty's aunt said, "Bad cess to the whole of them." For in Lisconnel nobody has a good word to say of the Tinkers.

But you certainly have strange views of a father's duty toward his children. Now will you tell the court upon what ground you would extol his parental virtues?" "Faix, it's niver a word I've said about his parental virtues, or any other kind o' virtues. I was talkin' about his childer."

Sure he'd be divil a ha'porth more use for an immigrant than the ould cat there I was ape enough to bring along to pacify the childer. So then Tishy gave some more impidence, but the last ind of it was we come to an agreement that I'd take the note and the silver, and they'd keep what bits of gould was in it, and they'd go off wid themselves wheriver they plased at all, and I'd thramp straight back here to be lookin' after the child and th' ould man.

My juwa had almost scratched an eye out of the Hindity mushi, and my chai had sent the Hindity childer scampering over the green. 'Who has got to quit now? said I to the Hindity mush after he had got on his legs, looking like a man who has been cut down after hanging just a minute and a half.

"They do tell me," said humble folk quite far afield, "that Mr. Dale up to Vine-Pits hev adapted little Norrer Veale same as if 'twas his own darter; and I sin her myself ridin' to her schoolin' in Mr. Dale's wagon. I allus held that Abe Veale was born a lucky one, fer nobody ever comes adapting my childer; an' how hey he kep' out o' jail all his days, if 'tisn't the luck?"

Some of yez I recognize as having fine houses and good standing in the community, with hard-working husbands and childer at home. But I'll read ye a bit of a lecture before ye go. In the next room there's a 20-to-1 shot just dropped in under the wire three lengths ahead of the field. Is this the way ye waste your husbands' money instead of helping earn it? Home wid yez!

Doolan loosed her hold on the doctor's arm, but she did not go home. She followed Lovaway up the street, moving, for so old a woman, at a surprising pace. "Doctor, dear," she said, "don't be giving medicine to them childer. Don't do it now. You'll only anger them that's done it, and it's a terrible thing when them ones is angry." "Get away home out of that, Biddy Doolan," said the sergeant.

It was the famine, miss, that came first, and stole the bit o' food that was saved. The praties were rotten in the field; and the poor pigs starved that should have helped us out wi' the rint. Och, but it was a sore time o' grief whin sorra a mouthful were left for the bit childer and the ould people who were weak before wi' ould age!

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