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Updated: August 21, 2024

"Follow my leader!" he cried, handing his gun to one of the Malays, whose eyes rolled with pleasure as he saw sentimental Tom Long take a sharp run, leap well from the near bank, and land on the other side of the stream, but he had to catch at some bamboos to save himself from falling back into the water. "With a cheerly hi ho," shouted Bob Roberts, dropping his gun on a bush. "Look out, soldier."

"Ah," he said suddenly, and with a quick faint blush over his handsome and manly countenance, "ah, fair maid fair Sibyll God grant that I may win something of gold and fortune amidst yonder towers, on which the sun shines so cheerly. God grant it, not for my sake, not for mine; but that I may have something besides a true heart and a stainless name to lay at thy feet. Oh, Sibyll!

BUTLER. Do you secure the Spaniard and Italian I'll be your warrant for the Scotchman Lesly. Come to the company! TERZKY. Where is the master of the cellar? Ho! Let the best wines come up. Ho! cheerly, boy! Luck comes to-day, so give her hearty welcome. Oh, if my old mistress, his lady mother, could but see these wild goings on she would turn herself round in her grave. Yes, yes, sir officer!

The yards were then trimmed, the anchor weighed, the cat-block hooked on, the fall stretched out, manned by ``all hands and the cook, and the anchor brought to the head with ``cheerly, men! in full chorus. The ship being now under way, the light sails were set, one after another, and she was under full sail before she had passed the sandy point.

Instantly the yards were squared, to the lively song of "Ho! the fair wind! oh-ye-ho cheerly, men!" the crew singing for joy, that so promising an event should so soon have falsified the evil portents preceding it.

"Looky out for 'quails!" shrieked the Portuguese, Antone, darting a handspike through the cabin skylight. And "Heave round cheerly, men," sung out Navy Bob, dancing a hornpipe on the forecastle. TOWARD sunset, the mate came off, singing merrily, in the stern of his boat; and in attempting to climb up the side, succeeded in going plump into the water.

The decks were all life and commotion; the sailors on the forecastle singing "Ho, cheerly men!" as they catted the anchor; and the gallant Jennin, bare-headed as his wont, standing up on the bowsprit, and issuing his orders. By the man at the helm stood Captain Guy, very quiet and gentlemanly, and smoking a cigar.

Presently his vision is called to the springing lark: Just starting from the corn, he cheerly sings, And trusts with conscious pride his downy wings; Still louder breathes, and in the face of day Mounts up and calls on Giles to mark his way.

In the next image, the Natural History is better preserved; and, as the thoughts are appropriate to the time of day, we will venture to transcribe the passage, as a favourable specimen of the Author's manner: While the Cock, with lively din, Scatters the rear of darkness thin, And to the stack, or the barn door, Stoutly struts his dames before; Oft listening how the hounds and horns Cheerly rouse the slumbering morn, From the side of some hoar hill, Through the high wood echoing still.

p. 225 Bandstrings. Strings for fastening his bands or collar which were in the seventeenth century frequently ornamented with tassels, cf. p. 225 yare. Eager; ready; prepared from A.-S. gearo. cf. Measure for Measure, iv, II: 'You shall find me yare'; and The Tempest, i, I: 'Cheerly, my hearts! yare, yare!; also Act v, sc.

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