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"Bas," she said, earnestly, "even ef Cal hadn't of come, I couldn't nuver hev wedded with ye. He did come, though, an' in thet way of carin' thar hain't no other man in the world fer me. I kain't never pay ye back fer all thet I'm beholden ter ye ... fer savin' him an' fotchin' him in when thet craven shot him ... fer stayin' a friend when most men would hev got ter be enemies.

"The whole sit of navvies, sor, ar-re down on their backs, not carin' at all, at all, whether we float, sink, swim, or go to Davy Jones' locker." "Well, Caradoc's next come with me."

"It's the next day when the stage starts; Old Monte is crackin' his whip in a hardened way, carin' nothin' for road agents as long as they don't interfere with the licker traffic. Thar's only one passenger.

Mebbe she's beyond carin'. But I believe you an' thet red memory of bloody death air all she ever thinks of. An' mostly of it." "Then it'll be a fight between me and that memory?" "So I take it, son. But recollect I ain't no mind-doctor. I jest feel you could make her fergit thet hell if you tried hard enough." "I'll try hard as I can," replied Neale, resolutely, yet with a certain softness.

I don't want no gibin'. I only got one way o' hearin' an' talkin'." Mark drew back from the calm, lowering face of the keeper. "Nation!" he gasped, "you don't think I'm agin her, do you, Davy?" "I ain't carin' whether ye be or no. Like as not, if she's shook ye, yer full of resentment. Them is young folks' ways.

"I never thought," said Joan slowly, "I never thought you'd be carin' to tell me things. I know so awful little." "It wasn't your modesty, Joan. It was simply because you haven't given me a thought since I dragged you in here on my sled. I've been nothing" under the careless, half-bitter manner, he was weighing his words and their probable effect "nothing, for all these weeks, but a provider."

"Shore I knowed you was Jean Isbel," he said. "Everybody in the Tonto has heerd old Gass Isbel sent fer his boy." "Well then, why did you ask?" inquired Jean, bluntly. "Reckon I wanted to see what you'd say." "So? All right. But I'm not carin' very much for what YOU say." Their glances locked steadily then and each measured the other by the intangible conflict of spirit.

Chillon looked over his shoulder. 'He's there still; he's fond of solitude. And, Carin, my dear, don't give your hand when you are meeting or parting with people it's not done. His uninstructed sister said: 'Did you not like him? She was answered with an 'Oh, the tone of which balanced lightly on the neutral line.

You're not keepin' a grudge agin me, my girl?" She did not move nor turn her head. "I've no grudge, father; but if if you had told me, 'twouldn't be on my mind that I had made it worse for Val." The kindness in the voice reassured him, and he ventured to say: "I didn't think you'd be carin' for one of the Riders of the Plains, Jen." Then the old man trembled lest she should resent his words.

I don't have no idea of carin' whether potato bugs mind bein' picked or not, an' no matter what they said about me before or after their pickin' it 'd be all one to me. An' that's just about the way our government feels about us. An' I guess most other governments is much the same. Which is probably the reason why potato bugs is gettin' worse an' thicker all the time."