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Out of a corner of his eye Sir Archie caught sight of Alexis, with Sime and Carfrae in support, being slowly forced towards them along the corridor. "Upstairs," he shouted. "Come on, McGuffog. Lead on, Princess." He dashed out the lamp, and the place was in darkness. With this retreat from the forward trench line ended the opening phase of the battle.

God Himself, I think, is very willing to give one-and-twenty a second chance." "I am afraid," Gavin said anxiously, "that I look even younger." "I think," Mr. Carfrae answered, smiling, "that your heart is as fresh as your face; and that is well. The useless men are those who never change with the years.

And there you stood in the limelight!" "Exactly." "What did you do?" "I had sufficient presence of mind to do what Carfrae did. I threw myself on my face, and shouted to the two men to do the same." "Did they?" "No. They started to run back towards the trenches. Half a dozen German rifles opened on them at once." "Were they badly hit?" "Nothing to speak of, considering. The shots mostly went high.

"I admit that Rob's awakening was an extraordinary thing, and sufficient to gie Mr. Dishart a name. But Mr. Carfrae was baffled wi' Rob too." "Jeames, if you had been in our kirk that day Mr. Dishart preached for't you would be wearying the now for Sabbath, to be back in't again.

The most gladsome thing in the world is that few of us fall very low; the saddest that, with such capabilities, we seldom rise high. Of those who stand perceptibly above their fellows I have known very few; only Mr. Carfrae and two or three women. Gavin only saw a very frail old minister who shook as he walked, as if his feet were striking against stones.

He had cast an appraising eye over Sime the butler, Carfrae the chauffeur, and McGuffog the gamekeeper, and his brows had lightened when he beheld Sir Archie with an armful of guns and two big cartridge-magazines. But they had darkened again at the first words of the leader of the reinforcements. "Now for the Tower," Sir Archie had observed cheerfully.

Carfrae, I shall advise him rather to try one of his deceased friend's English pieces. I am prodigiously hurried with my own matters, else I would have requested a perusal of all Mylne's poetic performances, and would have offered his friends my assistance in either selecting or correcting what would be proper for the press.

Moncur, of Aberbrothick, had agreed to assist me at the Sacrament, and will doubtless still lend his services. Mr. Carfrae or Mr. Trail will take my place if my successor is not elected by that time. The Sacrament cups are in the vestry press, of which you will find the key beneath the clock in my parlor. The tokens are in the topmost drawer in my bedroom.

"Oh, I just climbed up on the top of the parapet and sat there for a bit," says Bobby Little modestly. "They were all right after that." "Had you any excitement, Ayling?" asks Kemp. "I hear rumours that you had two casualties." "Yes," says Ayling. "Four of us went out patrolling in front of the trench " "Who?" "Myself, two men, and old Sergeant Carfrae." "Carfrae?" Wagstaffe laughs.

Private Nimmo has a bullet-wound in the calf of his leg, and Sergeant Carfrae, whom Nature does not permit to lie as flat as the others, will require some repairs to the pleats of his kilt. "All present?" inquires Simson. It is discovered that M'Snape has not returned. Anxious eyes peer over the parapet.