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Updated: August 13, 2024

Kurtz, genial, shrewd, gray, raised admiring eyes from the capering puppy and said: "I'll take another five thousand." But Bob declined. "No, I'm going to work." This announcement interested the tailor deeply. "Who's going to hire you?" he asked. "You are." Kurtz blinked. "Maybe you'd like to bet on that, too," he ventured. "I'll give you odds." "Work is one of the few things I haven't tried.

There was a strong flavour of Coal Tar soap in the café au lait to-day. This morning at dawn I was aroused by a cold foot pawing at my face. Blinking awake, I observed Albert Edward in rosy pyjamas capering beside my bed. "Show a leg, quick," he whispered. "Rouse out, and Uncle will show boysey pretty picture."

Yes; once the gentleman from Cambridge exclaimed that there were some pheasants running across a field below; but upon close investigation they turned out to be a troop of horses capering about in wild dismay. A flock of sheep in another field, huddled close together, looked like a heap of limestone chippings.

"There he is, officer," said Lambert, cheerfully; "we ain't responsible for him." The officer looked at the capering Mr. Quin with a quiet eye. "We have not come, gentlemen," he said, "about what I think you are alluding to. We have come from head-quarters to announce the selection of His Majesty the King.

The change from the boisterous Bay of Biscay, with its "white horses capering without, to this Venetian expanse of water in a Swiss valley, dotted with chalets and cottages, must have the effect of a magic transformation on the emotional tar who has never been here before, and whose chance it was to lie below when his ship entered.

I was going to tell you all about it; but you are in a bad temper, and don't deserve to hear. I picked up her hat, and approached to reinstate it; but perceiving that the people of the house took her part, she commenced capering round the room; and on my giving chase, ran like a mouse over and under and behind the furniture, rendering it ridiculous for me to pursue.

Me me, you you!" and went away capering and shouting with laughter, dancing with great grace and as great agility and with an imaginary partner the entire length of the room. There was another game a pure child's game which Jean played. It was the name game.

Angels can fly because they can take themselves lightly. This has been always the instinct of Christendom, and especially the instinct of Christian art. Remember how Fra Angelico represented all his angels, not only as birds, but almost as butterflies. Remember how the most earnest mediæval art was full of light and fluttering draperies, of quick and capering feet.

"Hi, you girls!" exclaimed Grant, dashing past them at this moment, after capering about the wagons in a manner calculated to bring down Mrs. Pennypoker's denunciations upon his yellow head. "What makes you so puppywented slow? Come on!" "All right!" And Allie scampered off at his heels, sitting very straight and trim in her pretty new saddle.

It is very agile; and, secluding itself among the most inaccessible mountain-crags, delights in capering upon the very verge of the most frightful precipices, and skipping from rock to rock across yawning chasms hundreds of feet in depth.

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