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Minister Woodford cabled such requests to the government at Washington, to which it replied by refusing to recall General Lee under the present circumstances, or to countermand the orders for the despatch of war-vessels, making the representation that relief vessels are not fighting ships. March 5.

More than that, Rasputin became even a matter of concern to Europe. The foreign Press printed articles about him. The foreign ambassadors cabled long reports in code to their Governments in connection with him. But, of course, to Europe he was more of a sad anecdote than an historical fact. To Russia, on the other hand, he was not only a fact, he was an era.

Sir John went to M. George E. Cartier then, and said: "My idea is that the man who can do more to settle this matter than all the wisdom of the Government combined, is Monseigneur Tache. What think you would it not be well to represent the case to him by cable, and ask him to return?" "Oui, Sir John, the suggestion is good." So the bishop was cabled for, and he came home.

Raffles had vanished from the face of the town, and even I had no conception of his whereabouts until he cabled to me to meet the 7.31 at Charing Cross next night. That was on the Tuesday before the 'Varsity match, or a full fortnight after his mysterious disappearance. The telegram was from Carlsbad, of all places for Raffles of all men!

How such of us who claimed New York as our own thrilled as we pictured three thousand miles away the city's greeting to the grave, silent man whose cool genius had hurled back the Teuton hordes at the very gates of Paris! How we built up on the limited descriptions that had been cabled across the Atlantic!

Even if he only sent a little it would be so welcome now when they were almost at the end. If he had been generous how wonderful it would be for her to help the man to whom nothing was too much to give her. The fact that her brother had cabled strengthened the belief that he had hastened to come to her rescue. She opened the cable and read it.

I dare say they are, but How can I face Mr. O'Neil?" Dan shook the paper in his fist. "Are you going to stand for this?" he demanded. "Hardly! I cabled the office this morning, and here's Drake's answer." She read: "'Stuff colorless. Don't allow admiration warp judgment. Can you beat that?" "He thinks you've surrendered to Murray, like all the others." "I hate him!" cried Eliza. "I detest him!"

In a place where political feeling runs so high, the greatest excitement might have been expected over such an occurrence. But 'Reuter, who may be considered an impartial authority, merely cabled to New Zealand, 'The dissolution.

Markham?" "In France," he stammered. "Do you mean that Hermia Miss Challoner is " "Engaged to Trevvy? Of course. It was cabled from Paris to the Herald. But then nobody who knows about things is really very much surprised. Trevvy has been wild about her for years and her family have all wanted it. It's really a very good match. You see Trevvy is so steady and she needs a skid to her wheel "

"Kids feel things a lot more than they're given credit for. Ricky sent me a letter with some tear stains between the lines when Aunt Rogers decided to stay another year. And that was the year I earned the reputation of being a 'hard case. "Then Ricky cabled me that she was coming home. I walked out of school the same morning. I didn't even tell anyone where I was going.