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Remember that with the distress which came upon them, at the end of the French war, their spiritual hunger awakened often in forms diseased enough: but growing healthier, as well as keener, year by year; and that if they are not brutalized once more by their present unexampled prosperity, it will be mainly owing to the spiritual life which was awakened in those sad and terrible years.

'Don't you pay them anything, he says, 'not a kopeck; they'll beat you, and let them beat you, says he, 'but you put up with it, and I'll pay you ten roubles every Saturday for it. So on the Saturday evening the workmen come to settle up in the usual way; the foreman says to them: 'Nothing! Well, word for word, as the master said, they begin swearing and using their fists. . . . They beat him and they kick him . . . you know, they are a set of men brutalized by hunger they beat him till he is senseless, and then they go each on his way.

Did it ever do anything but add to the world's sum of evil, making God's task the heavier? Suddenly, while speaking, she fell into a passionate fit of weeping. She went on through her tears: "It will be terrible," she said. "It will last longer than you say. Every nation will be drawn into it. There will be no voice left to speak for reason. Every day we shall grow more brutalized, more pitiless.

I've told you in order to get rid of you. I'd rather be rid of you than keep my good name in your estimation. So now, run along and do your yelling outside. I'm sick of you." She paused on a high gesture.... "He's going to hit me. Strike a woman. War has brutalized him. Dear me!" But he asked a question ominously and she answered, "Erik Dorn. Yes. Erik Dorn." This made it worse.

The plaited leathern thongs, armed at the ends with lead and sharp-pointed bone, cut the back open in all directions, and inflicted such torture that the sufferers generally fainted, and often died. But the scourging in this case did not satisfy the soldiers, whom scenes of this nature had brutalized.

Our commission, that is, the commission of messengers whom I represent, is confirmed by so many signs according to prophecies, that while I was writing the last of the five German volumes which have been published from A.D. 1838 till 1842, I have oftentimes repeated, that the key has been given in those volumes to unlock and explain so many prophecies and signs testifying our mission, that five hundred volumes could be filled, if there had not been superabundance of them already published in the five above mentioned volumes, from which it is evident, that neither monarchs amongst themselves in Europe, nor political and ecclesiastical parties and sects in this country, can establish peace, but will continue to quarrel and consume every year an enormous amount of property for war preparations, and corrupt and ruin nations, and destroy many men and women during those preparations, till at length they are again and again so brutalized and enraged, that they kill each other, till all parties are so exhausted, that they are compelled to make peace, which is nothing else but an armistice; because when the true peace or Christ's reign, which will be the universal Republic of Truth and Justice, shall be established on the whole globe, soldiers and all preparations for war, will disappear, and those who are now learning how to destroy each other, will learn how to prolong their lives and improve their intellectual and moral faculties for their own temporal and eternal welfare, as well as for the welfare of others.

"Katie you aren't going to save men by putting them at back-breaking work under brutalized guards. You aren't going to redeem men by belittling them. You're going to save them by making them see. And the crime of our whole system of punishments is that it does all in its power, not to make them see, but to shut them out from seeing...."

If, thereupon, in the execution, their interests turn out to be uninteresting, and their power to be impotence, it is ascribed either to depraved sophists, who split up the "undivisible people" into several hostile camps; or to the army being too far brutalized and blinded to appreciate the pure aims of the democracy as its own best; or to some detail in the execution that wrecks the whole plan; or, finally, to an unforeseen accident that spoiled the game this time.

The failure in this section was doubtless due to the inferior type of blacks in the lower cotton belt where Negroes had been more brutalized by slavery. In some cases, these refugees experienced many hardships.

I mean by that horrible word the brutalized servants of the gross desire of the passerby. We had, and we have, castes of singers and dancers who are married to trees yes, to trees by touching ceremonies which date from Vedic times; our priests bless them and receive much money from them. They do not refuse themselves to those who love them and please them. Kings have made them rich.