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"Canned again," he announced, and then he told the Lizard the story of his downfall, attributing the results of the third round, however, to Brophy's unwarranted action at the end of the second. "Well," said the Lizard, "you certainly are the champion boob. There you had a chance to cop off a nice bunch of coin on that fight and instead you kill it for yourself and everybody else."

At ten o'clock Monday Jimmy was at Young Brophy's training quarters, for, although he had not forgotten Harriet Holden's invitation, he had never seriously considered availing himself of her offer to help him to a better position.

These difficulties can be easily overcome the former by building an embankment from the pier to Brophy's Island, the latter by removing some of the natural dam of rock which once formed the "Chute."

It is rare, indeed, that, after a captive does make a break for freedom, he is allowed such a period in which to secure it; but here again the unparalleled series of incidents favored him. There had been no outcry on the part of the third victim to Tim Brophy's good right arm.

Brophy's they're afther gettin' a letther from America, an' they can't get any one to read it for them, the cratur's. Hurry now, that's a good little girl; I'm goin' up myself along wid ye. Poor Mrs. Brophy'll be nearly out of her mind." Mrs.

"You're fifteen years older right now than you was two minutes ago," sez Monody. "I stumbled onto Bill Brophy's gang last night. Bill has seven o' the lowest grade wolves 'at ever wore man-hide I I used to know Bill down in the Territory, an' Bill he thought I was still on the grab. He put me on.

Finally I reached the canon an' began to ride careful. It was only about eleven; but I didn't want any o' Brophy's gang to take a pot shot at me. All of a sudden something moved on a little grassy shelf on the side of the cliff. Starlight shied off to the left an' my gun flew up over my head, ready to drop on whatever it happened to be.

There's Brophy's, just round the corner, and they send in the loveliest things." "Oh, they do! Well, tell 'em to begin sending." I thought he'd follow me out in the hall to the 'phone, but he was having some trouble in pulling out his purse to count out his money, I suppose. I got Central and asked for the number.

"You handle your mitts like you been there before." "Yes," said Jimmy, smiling, "I've had a little experience in the manly art of self-defense." The two men were sizing him up. "Feinheimer can you?" asked one of them. Jimmy nodded affirmatively. "Got anything else in view?" "No," said Jimmy. "How'd you like a job as one of Brophy's sparring partners?" "I wouldn't mind," said Jimmy.

But the night passed without disturbance. Then the pony and the two youths awoke simultaneously, for they were aroused by one of the most startling causes that can be conceived: It was the screaming whinny of Tim Brophy's horse a cry rarely heard from the animal, and only when in the very extremity of mortal terror. Warren Starr and Tim Brophy sprang up at the same instant.