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Bronson gave his copy to Gallegher to take to the office, and Gallegher laid it and the roll of money on the city editor's desk, and then, so the chief related afterwards, moved off quickly to the door. The chief looked up from his proofs and touched the roll of money with his pencil. "Here! what's this?" he asked. "Wouldn't he take it?"

Aunt Amelia was evidently in a passion. "You know what's been going on over there, well enough, Frank Bronson!" "I don't even know what you're talking about." "Oh, you don't? You don't know that Isabel takes George's side simply because he's Eugene Morgan's best friend?" "It seems to me you're talking pure nonsense," said Bronson sharply. "Not impure nonsense, I hope!" Amelia became shrill.

I stopped an' looked past him through the open door where his bookkeeper-payin'-an'-receivin'-teller-cashier, an' general factotum was busy behind the cheap grill. Then I looked at Bronson an' the only thing I noticed was that his eyes was brown, an' he was smilin'. 'Young man, I says, 'have you got any money in that sardine can? "'Quite a lot, he answers with a grin. 'More than I wish I had.

Bronson, and at eighteen, he set out for Virginia with the secret purpose of teaching if opportunity offered, at the same time taking along a peddler's trunk out of which to turn an honest penny and pay the expenses of his journey.

During the early days of their stay the Bridgeboro Troop arrived in a blaze of glory; the Ravens, with their pride and delight, Doc Carson, first aid boy; the rest of the Silver Foxes with Westy Martin, Dorry Benton and others; and Tom's own patrol, the Elks, with Connie Bennett, the Bronson boys, the famous O'Connor twins, all with brand new outfits, for this was a new patrol.

"I guess," said Gallegher, in an awed whisper, "that there's going to be a scrap." "Shut up," said Bronson. They stopped a few yards before the great green double gate, with a smaller door cut in one of its halves, and with the light from a big lantern shining down on them.

His tone was truculent. Derry attempted lightness. "You'll be a lump of ice in the morning, Dad. We'd have to chip you off in chunks." "You go home with Bronson, son, He is up there. Go home " He had once commanded a brigade. There were moments when he was hard pushed that he remembered it. "Go home, Derry." "Not till you come with me." "I'm not coming." Derry spread his rug on the icy ground.

Jeb Rushmore was out with the class in tracking, teaching them how to feel a trail, and Tom sat down on his own couch, glad to be alone. He thought of the members of his own troop, in and about his own patrol cabin, ministering to Dory Bronson. He wondered what they were saying about him and whether Roy would discuss him with others. He didn't think Roy would do that. He wondered what Mr.

As to the effect of his preaching on his American audiences, I find the following evidence in Mr. Cooke's diligently gathered collections. Mr. Sanborn says: "His pulpit eloquence was singularly attractive, though by no means equally so to all persons. In 1829, before the two friends had met, Bronson Alcott heard him preach in Dr.

He's a dangerous young thug, and he's taken an oath to kill me unless I cough up a lot of cash to him. Do your best to get at the bottom of the matter and to get track of Jalisco at the same time. If you set eyes on him again, pinch him at once." "Leave that to me," said Bronson. "I'm pretty sore over it. I'll call round to see you in an hour or so.