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No pastime is more agreeable to people who have the book disease, and none more quickly fleets the hours, and none is more delightfully futile. Ages elapsed, and suddenly, like a gun discharging, Mr Brindley said 'We must go! Of all things that happened this was the most astonishing. We did go.

When the commercial traveller, who was devoid of sense, pointed out that it was not proposed to rob anybody of a livelihood, and that existent barmaids would be permitted to continue to grace the counters of their adoption, she grew frostily vicious. The commercial traveller decided to retire and play billiards. Mr Brindley and I in our turn departed. I was extremely disappointed by this sequel.

At that moment there was heard a series of loud explosive sounds in the street. They continued for a few seconds apparently just outside the dining-room window. Then they stopped, and the noise of the bumping electric cars resumed its sway over the ear. 'That's Oliver! said Mr Brindley, looking at his watch. 'He must have come from Manchester in an hour and a half. He's a terror. 'Glass!

It is true that the cold roast beef transcended all the cold roast beef of my experience. Mrs Brindley regaled herself largely on trifle, which Mr Brindley would not approach, preferring a most glorious Stilton cheese. I lost touch, temporarily, with the intellectual life. It was Mr Brindley who recalled me to it. 'Jane, he said. No answer. 'Jane! Mrs Brindley turned to me.

If for some reason the train had backed into the station and ejected its passengers, those two would have covered up their feelings again in an instant. Such is human nature in the Five Towns. When Edward Henry withdrew his head into the compartment Brindley and Mr.

And then there's the awful fear of not being able to hold it." After a moment's silence Mildred, who could not hide away resentment against one she liked, said: "Why aren't YOU satisfied, Mrs. Brindley?" "But I am satisfied," protested Cyrilla. "Only it makes me afraid to see YOU so well satisfied. I've seen that often in people first starting, and it's always dangerous.

One good limerick deserves another. It happened that I knew a number of the unprinted Rossetti limericks, precious things, not at all easy to get at. I detailed them to Mr Brindley, and I do not exaggerate when I say that I impressed him. I recovered all the ground I had lost upon cigarettes and newspapers. He appreciated those limericks with a juster taste than I should have expected.

My first two visits had been occasioned by official pilgrimages as a British Museum expert in ceramics. The fact is, I was drawn to the astonishing district and its astonishing inhabitants. The Five Towns, to me, was like the East to those who have smelt the East: it "called." "I'll tell you what we could do," said Mrs Brindley. "We could put him on to Dr Stirling." "So we could!" Brindley agreed.

Mrs Brindley menaced her spouse, as she wafted the boys from the room. "Mr Loring, do take some more of that cheese if you fancy it." She vanished. Within ten minutes Brindley was conducting me to the doctor's, whose house was on the way to the station. In its spacious porch he explained the circumstances in six words, depositing me like a parcel.

'I'm sure I'm very glad to meet you, sir. I'm sure it's a very great honour. He held out a wrinkled hand, which I shook. 'Mr Aked, said Mr Brindley, by way of introduction. 'Been caretaker here for pretty near forty years. 'Ever since it opened, sir, said Aked. We went up the white stone stairway, rather a grandiose construction for a little industrial town.