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And will you tell me just as frankly whether what I said was right?" "Yes," said Elsje, shyly and softly. "I said that I had met a woman of whom, at first sight and after two brief encounters, I could say that she would give me the great love which was still wanting in my life. Was that rightly said, Elsje?" "Yes," I heard a whisper beside me.

"She er nurses OTHERS, eh? I'm not the only one?" "Well, hardly." There was a brief pause; then Esteban shifted his position and his tone changed. "Tell me, have you heard any news?" "Not yet, but we will hear some before long I'm sure." "Your faith does as much for me as this lady's care. But when you go away, when I'm alone, when I begin to think "

Hitherto our observations have been brief, because interpreters are very generally agreed in their views of the first series, the seals, in this interesting book of prophecy.

Having resumed for a brief period the superintendence of the Peckham school during a fit of illness of Dr. Milner, that gentleman, in requital for his timely services, promised to use his influence with a friend, an East India director, to procure him a medical appointment in India. There was every reason to believe that the influence of Dr.

"A cup of hot tea will do you good." This was soon prepared, and Margaret ate with a keen appetite. After tea, she was much better. The cold perspiration ceased, and her skin became dry and warm. A brief conversation passed between the sisters, when Margaret fell off into a pleasant slumber.

"Carroll, this thing is too serious for any bluffing, and we are going to see it through. It is fair that you should know why we ask. Let me give you the facts we have found out." Sinclair gave a brief resume of the story as gathered from Stanton and Perault. As Carroll listened his face grew white with fury.

The Prince never signed the note, but, as we shall have occasion to state in its proper place, he gave a verbal declaration, favorable to its tenor, but in very vague and brief terms, before a notary, on the day of the marriage.

When the lad reached his eighteenth year Florent still treated him as though he were a daughter for whom a dowry must be provided. However, during his brother's brief illness Quenu himself had made certain reflections. One morning he proclaimed his desire to work, saying that he was now old enough to earn his own living. Florent was deeply touched at this.

Roscorla wrote, "whatever may be our relations, without sending you a friendly word. I do hope the new year will bring you health and happiness, and that we shall in time forget the angry manner in which we parted and all the circumstances leading to it." She wrote as brief a note in reply, at the end of which she hoped he would forgive her for any pain he had suffered through her.

Harriet stopped; her face was drawn and white, her words coming with difficulty, the phrases brief and dry. Richard was paying her absolute attention, his eyes fixed upon her face. "We had dinner upstairs," she said. She paused, her lips tight pressed. "I can't tell you," she began again, suddenly, "I can't tell you how it was that I came suddenly to know that I was too young for marriage!