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"True as gorspel, sir; and ready along with Neb Dumlow and Barney Blane to pitch old Frenchy overboard, or drown him in a water-cask, if you say the word, or Mr Frewen either, though I'd rayther take it from you, my lad, as you're one of the officers of the Burgh Castle and it'd come better like than from our doctor, and no disrespectment either."

He rose accordingly, and taking his sheathed broadsword under his arm to support the insolence which he meditated, placed himself in front of the stranger noticed by Niel Blane, in his admonitions to his daughter, as being, in all probability, one of the hill-folk, or refractory presbyterians. All waited for the stranger's answer.

What upon arth thay go to Kansis fur when thay was so nice & comfortable down there to North Elby, is more'n I know. The suns air next seen in Kansis at a tarvern. Mister Blane, a sinister lookin man with his Belt full of knives & hoss pistils, axes one of the Browns to take a drink. Brown refuzis, which is the fust instance on record whar a Brown deklined sich a invite.

Old Frenchy was chucking bullets about anyhow, and 'stead o' being here in this here cabin with me untying these here knots, you might ha' been yonder with a hole or two through your carcadge." "Ay, that's right enough, matey," growled Blane; "but I wanted to help, and have it out with Frenchy. He kicked me below when the mootny fust began, and I can't forget it.

So, I say, Master Brown, it will be a real good work of charity, without hurt to my Lady and Sir George to let them be, poor things, to fight it out as they can." "Well, well, there's somewhat in what you say Goodman Blane, but I'm bound to look after my Lady's interests and Sir George's."

Jean Blane said that 'acoustic' meant 'a religious squabble, and Muriel Baker said that an 'agnostic' was 'a man who had indigestion, and Jim Carter said that 'acerbity' meant that 'you ate nothing but vegetable food, and so on all down the list. Whiskers swallowed it all, and kept saying 'Very good very good' until Ella thought that die she would trying to keep a straight face.

"A public, in a puir way," replied Blane, looking round at his own superior accommodations, "a sour browst o' sma' ale that she sells to folk that are over drouthy wi' travel to be nice; but naething to ca' a stirring trade or a thriving changehouse." "Can you get me a guide there?" said Morton. "Your honour will rest here a' the night?

"He bears his misfortune," wrote Sir Gilbert Blane, "with equanimity; conscious, as he says, that he has done his duty.... He attributes his misfortune, not to the inferiority of his force, but to the base desertion of his officers in the other ships, to whom he made the signal to rally, and even hailed them to abide by him, but was abandoned." This was the key-note to all his utterances.

"If it be not abune twa dollars, Alison," said the old gentleman, very reluctantly. "I'll settle it myself wi'Niel Blane, the first time I gang down to the clachan," said Alison, "cheaper than your honour or Mr Harry can do;" and then whispered to Henry, "Dinna vex him onymair; I'll pay the lave out o' the butter siller, and nae mair words about it."

The cavalcade of horsemen on their road to the little borough-town were preceded by Niel Blane, the town-piper, mounted on his white galloway, armed with his dirk and broadsword, and bearing a chanter streaming with as many ribbons as would deck out six country belles for a fair or preaching.