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Updated: August 10, 2024

'Fwhat'll you give me for the use av that most iligant palanquin I have no time to take away? 'Don't tell, sez he, 'Is ut like? sez I, 'But ye might give me my railway fare. I'm far from my home an' I've done you a service. Bhoys, 'tis a good thing to be a priest. The ould man niver throubled himself to dhraw from a bank.

She mis-remembered she was only wearin' her ould black bonnet, an' she died wid 'McKenna, me man, houldin' her up, an' the bhoys howled whin they buried her. "That night, a big wind blew, an' blew, an' blew, an' blew the tents flat.

"But bhoys ought to be bhoys. Ye kin go." "Whoop!" yelled Sam. "Hooray!" joined in Yan, with even more interest though with less unrestraint. "But howld on, I ain't through " "I say, Da, we want your gun. We can't go camping without a gun." "Howld on, now. Give me a chance to finish. Ye can go fur two weeks, but ye got to go; no snakin' home nights to sleep. Ye can't hev no matches an' no gun.

He was only thirty-five years of age, but, being married, that was enough to secure for him the title "Old Man." In Sanger, if Tom Nolan was a bachelor at eighty years of age he would still be Tom Nolan, "wan of the bhoys," but if he married at twenty he at once became "Old Man Nolan." Mrs.

Methought I heard a voice cry, "Macbeth shall sleep no more!" The sergeant's story evoked a general laugh from his hearers. He arose and knocked the ashes out of his pipe. "Come on, bhoys!" said he. "Let's beat ut. Morley here's a respectable married man we've bin demoralisin' him an' his store long enough, I'm thinkin'."

Then said a voice, "Ould Oireland in throuble again! Oi'm an Oirish Highlander; I beg your pardon, sorr and in throuble again. They tould me there was a box of cigars here; do ye know, sorr, if the bhoys have shmoked them all?" LADYSMITH, Oct. 27. "Come to meet us!" cried the staff officer with amazement in his voice; "what on earth for?"

Sergeant Slavin was wont to remark sagely: "'Tis an ould saying bhoys 'Murdher will out' we'll sure dhrop onto it sooner or lather, an' thin belike we'll get th' surprise av our lives for I firmly believe, as Kilbride said 't'will prove tu be some lokil man who had a grudge agin' pore Larry for somethin' or another. So just kape on quietly watchin' an' listh'nin, an' we'll nail that fella yet."

"Ye'll be needin' them ladders prisintly!" Our three privates found themselves in the crowd surging towards the breastwork to the right of the gate. "Nip on my shoulders, Teddy lad," grunted McInnes, and Teddy nipped up and began hacking at the chevaux de frise with his axe. "That's av ut, bhoys," yelled the Irish sergeant again. "Lave them spoikes an' go for the stockade.

I was some wan in the ould days, an' the bhoys was glad to see me all excipt Peg Barney wid a eye like a tomata five days in the bazar, an' a nose to match.

It's the ould bhoys have the way wid them, after all's said and done." Meanwhile in the old-fashioned reception room with its tinkly crystal chandelier aquiver, as it were, in sympathetic excitement, the old gentleman was greeting his young guest. "Old age!" he said, with a smile of half-mock ruefulness. "Old age!

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