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And of course it was she who gave Jinnie some money taken from a small bag around her neck and ordered her to the shop for shoes. "She ought to have a fiddle box," Lafe suggested. "There ain't 'nough money in the house for that," replied Peg "but I'll give her a piece of the curtains to wrap it up in." "That'll look better'n a box," smiled Lafe. "I'm a happy cobbler, I am."

There was a little schooner there, the Garibaldi, of Newport, discharging coal. The Lord said to me, 'Arise, go in that there schooner! I sought out the skipper, and said, 'Where be bound for next? 'Back to Newport, says he. 'That'll suit me, I says, an' persuaded en to take me. But the Lord knew where she were bound better'n the skipper; and here I be!"

Shorty had tried to anticipate his motion and fired first, but the limbs bothered his aim, and his bullet went a foot to the right of the rebel's head. It was close enough, however, to make the rebel cover himself carefully with the tree. "That was a much better shot, Yank," he called out. "But ye orter do a powerful sight better'n that on a sneak.

And Miss Kinney has ab-so-lute-ly refused to sing for us, 'cause Elspeth asked Mildred George to take a solo part, too, and Miss Kinney doesn't like Mildred. Why are huming beings so mean and horrid to each other? Now, I wouldn't care if I found someone which could sing better'n I, s'posing I could sing at all.

The foreman says you're some better'n you used to be, but that's no way to handle Get out the way and let me show you once." "Better be careful," Bibbs warned him, stepping to one side. "Careful? Boh!" Sheridan seized a strip of zinc from the box. "What you talkin' to yourself about? Tryin' to make yourself think you're so abused you're goin' wrong in the head?" "'Abused'? No!" shouted Bibbs.

"I won't go back on mother for a minute," said Si, with brightened eyes and stronger voice, after he had drained the last precious drop of the broth, and was sucking luxuriously on the bones; "she kin cook chickens better'n any woman that ever lived. All the same, I never knowed how good chicken could taste before."

He was a queer cook, but after that night he was different: he acted as though he had adopted me; he petted me an' spoiled me an' you can talk all you want to about the flesh-pots of Egypt why, that cook could fix beans eleven different ways, an' each one better'n the other.

He had these five men, and then he had his daughter, Joan. She was better'n two ordinary men herself. "Three years that gang held together and got rich fair rich. They made it so fast they couldn't even gamble the stuff away. About a thousand times, I guess posses went out after Piotto, but they never came back with a trace of 'em; they never got within shootin' distance.

I can talk it over better'n you can. I'll go." And Angy went. The interview between the two women was long. Angy pleaded as nobody else in the parish could have done; and Draxy's heart was all on her side. But Draxy's judgment was unconvinced. "If I could be sure, Angy, that it would be best for the people, I should not hesitate. But you know very well, if I begin I shall keep on," she said.

Young quickly brought in some birds for our breakfast, and when the meal was finished he took me aside and said: "Now, Professor, lets me an' you go back t' that hole an' bring away all there is there that's worth carryin'. It's not much, I guess, but it's better'n nothin'. It just makes me sick t' think of all that gold, that ud 'a' made our everlastin' fortunes if we'd only been able t' pack it along with us.