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Even Jesus said, 'Of myself I can do nothing. Only God can help you. If you can drink that nasty smelling stuff, and get all red and rumply and sorry, then you need God the worst of anybody in Bel-Air. You look better now. It's just like a dream, the way you lifted up your face to me when I came in, and it was a dream. I'll help you, Zeke. I'll show you how to find help."

It was in one of his frequent talks at the simple lodgings to which he had conducted her the night of Bel-Air. Swiftly they had retraced the steps of the stricken Louise even to the pier edge over the darkling Seine. Horrified and trembling, Henriette feared the worst. "It is not likely she was drowned," said the Chevalier gravely. "Someone must have been about, to save her.

Juve sprang into his taxi and now hurried over to the Bois de Boulogne. Here the same result met him; the next station was Auteuil, then Vaugirard, la Glacière and Bel-Air. It was now eight o'clock, and his appointment with M. Annion was at eleven. What was to be done? On reaching Menilmontant Station, Juve had about decided to abandon the chase.

Evringham was to learn something of the inner history of the progress of this little pilgrim during her first days at Bel-Air; but the shadows had so entirely faded from Jewel's consciousness that she could not have told it herself not even such portions of it as she had once realized. "Yes, indeed, I love Bel-Air and all the people.

I'm sure he will call to-night." Outside the well-kept roads of Bel-Air Park, Nature had been encouraged to work her sweet will. The drive wound along the edge of a picturesque gorge, and it was not long before Jewel found the scene of her father's favorite stories. The sides of the ravine were studded with tall trees, and in its depths flowed a brook, unusually full now from the spring rains.

He caused a skillful physician to attend me, and promptly provided me with every thing the occasion required, excepting a salubrious atmosphere; and on being told that this was indispensable to my recovery, he generously caused me to be transported on a litter to "Bel-Air," the beautiful and healthy villa in which he resided.

As he spoke, the chimes sounded midnight. "Do you hear? After twelve o'clock, no one ever leaves Bel-Air!" For answer de Vaudrey dashed aside the extended wand, escorted the kidnapped girl to the foot of the staircase. De Praille was upon them again. This time he drew his sword. Fascinated, the courtiers and their women companions watched the outcome.

A gleam of hope came into Mr. Evringham's cold eyes and he looked down on his companion doubtfully. "We have to go out on the train," he said. "Yes," returned the child, "but you could put me on it, and every time it stops I would ask somebody if that was Bel-Air." The prospect this offered was very pleasing to the broker. "You wouldn't be afraid, eh?"

As this strange pallet awaits the Master's wishes in anteroom, let us take a peep at the celebrated Sunken Gardens. Bel-Air had been beautified in the lovely exedra style for which Petit Trianon is noted. Art blended so cunningly with Nature one might almost mistake marble Venus for live goddess or flesh-and-blood naiads of the lake for carved caryatides.

"It is a long time since you went away," she returned, "but I was right in your room every night, and daytimes I played in your ravine. Bel-Air Park is the beautifulest place in the whole world. Two days isn't any time to stay there, father." "H'm, I'm glad you've been so happy." Sincere feeling vibrated in the speaker's voice. "We don't know how to thank your grandpa, do we?"