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Updated: August 10, 2024

To Kirkwood the warp of the world and the woof of it was Romance, and it wrapped him round, a magic mantle to set him apart from all things mean and sordid and render him impregnable and invisible to the haunting Shade of Care. Which, by the same token, presently lost track of him entirely, and wandered off to find and bedevil some other poor devil.

If our eyes are dimmed, we think it safer to clear them, which do belong to us, than to bedevil, by the light of those very ALREADY DIMMED eyes, the objects round, which do not belong to us.

Write me all about it, Clifford, and whatever else you can about our fools and knaves, for though I leave them without a tear, yet, d n 'em, I keep 'em in my memory, if it's only for the sake of the old city whom they bedevil." Enough of our dialogue that night. Kingsley was a fellow of every excellent and some very noble qualities.

"You jest, but mine is not altogether jest. Half-serious glimpses of what I tell you float certainly before my eyes. Such things may happen yet, and the southwest is the world in which you are yet to see many wondrous things. The time must come when Texas shall stretch to Mexico. These miserable slaves and reptiles mongrel Spaniards and mongrel Indians can not very long bedevil that great country.

While Congress was right in the middle of such important and crucial problems as foreign policy, atomic disarmament, racketeering, integration and a dozen and one other problems, NICAP began to bedevil every senator and representative who was polite enough to listen.

We ride by Broadalbin, I think.... Whoa! back up! you long-eared ass! D'ye think to smell a Mohawk?... Or is it your comrades on the picket-rope that bedevil you?... Look at the troop-horses, sir, all a-rolling on their backs in the sand, four hoofs waving in the air. It's easier on yon sentry than when they're all a-squealin' and a-bitin' This way, sir.

It would give him just the prestige and standing he needed in that country. He would lose a little blood. He would wineverything! “You are right, amigo,” he told Cortez. “But do you think it can be arranged?” “I have talked to Alfego about it,” Cortez admitted. “I think it can be arranged.” He was all ready to leave for Arriba County when one more black mischance came to bedevil him.

If Baroness Bonnar had not had the skill to bedevil cleverer men than myself, and men twenty times as experienced, she would never have risen to the position of eminence she occupied. We parted on the understanding that she was to pay no more visits to Lady Rollinson's house, but was to do her loyal best to avoid Violet and her chaperon.

We allowed at first that it might be only a new style of his interferin', so we took no notice, except to pass a few remarks about listeners and that sort o' thing, and perhaps to bedevil the girls a little more than we'd hev done if we'd been alone. Well, they laughed, and we laughed and that was the end of it.

Just as the bosses had tried to bedevil him, to destroy his influence with his followers, so later on he saw them trying to bedevil the labour-movement, to confuse the intelligence of the whole country. Now Hal was in jail. He went to the window and tried the bars but found that they had been made for such trials.

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