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Updated: August 24, 2024

"Wot a blissin' it is for a man to git his mouth open agin, and let his breath go free," cried Jo Bumpus, with a deep sigh. "Come, Corrie, give us a cheer hip! hip! hip! The cheer that followed was stirring and wonderfully harmonious, for it was given in a deep bass, and a shrill treble, with an intermediate baritone "Ho!" from Jakolu.

He could hear the soft stealthy plunge and following rush of the sea up the white shelving beach. Could hear also less soothing sound through the open windows of the drawing-room of the Pavilion, just across the garden, Marshall Wace singing, with all the impassioned fervour of his rich and well-trained baritone, a ballad, then much in vogue, entitled "The Lost Chord."

The voice is so individual that it cannot be thus limited. There are many soprano qualities between the coloratura and the dramatic, and the same is true of alto, tenor, baritone and bass. When the voice is rightly produced, its natural quality will invariably appear, and there it must be allowed to remain. An attempt to change it always means disaster.

The door opened and closed. "I trust I do not intrude?" Frank's brush fell from her hand, before she even slowly wheeled and looked, for it was the suave and well-modulated baritone of Pobloff. "What does this mean?" she demanded vacantly, retreating before his steady and scornful gaze. "Simply, madam, that you and I seem seldom able to anticipate each other's calls!"

McGuire Ellis raised a tuneful baritone in song: 'You may think you've got 'em going, said the bar-keep to the bum. 'But cheer up And beer up. The worst is yet to come! "Unless my estimate of E.M. Pierce is wrong," he continued, "you'll begin to hear from the other newspapers soon." So it proved. Advertising managers called up and talked interminably over the telephone.

Jim gripped his brother's hand and held it. 'Good bye! he said. 'I wish I could do something for you, but you leave me helpless. Ryder went off with a laugh, and a moment later his voice came back through the trees a light, musical baritone, singing an Irish love-song, and Jim, listening, troubled in spirit, wondered how much of the true man he had been permitted to see.

James Wallace was an old and very special friend of hers and she commandeered his services as soon as he appeared at Ravinia, in her campaign for possession of the French baritone. Mary had reflected over this and talked it out pretty thoroughly with Jimmy before it occurred to her that she might be able to turn it to her own account or rather to her lover's.

The performers appealed to each other, to the audience, to the heaven above; they took counsel with each other, the conspirators drew together in a knot; it was just an opera, the drums coming in at proper intervals, the tenor, baritone, and bass all where they should be except that the voices were all of the same calibre.

We have been twice to the San Carlo, which we were the more pleased to do, because when we were here before, that fine theatre was closed. The singing is so-so, and the tenor especially is gifted with limbs rather than with voice or ear. But there is a baritone worth hearing and a soprano, whom the Neapolitans delight to honour with hideous sounds of applause.

There is the baritone, Herr Kindermann, who now, at the age of sixty-five, has a superb voice and manner, and has had few superiors in his time on the German stage. There is Frau Dietz, at forty-five, the best of actresses, and with a still fresh and lovely voice.

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