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Updated: August 13, 2024

A small mounted party rode past them, and the enemy instantly threw a shell over our heads from the front. Then the guns just set up on the long mountain of Bulwan, threw another plump into the rocks by the largest picket. "It's like that Bally Klarver," sighed a private, getting up and looking round with apprehension. "Cannon to right of 'em, cannon to left of 'em!"

"You have certainly broken everything else," said his father unsympathetically. "Between you and Baxter, I wonder there's a stick of furniture standing in the house." "Thanks, old chap," said Freddie gratefully as Ashe stepped forward and lent him an arm. "I think my bally ankle must have got twisted. I wish you would give me a hand up to my room."

"It's my own funeral funeral?" he paused "Perhaps it may be who knows? feel queer enough but remember, Duke it's my own fault don't listen to those bally fools," looking towards Moore and the doctor. "My own fault" his voice died down "my own fault." The Duke bent over him and laid him back on the pillow, saying, "Thanks, old chap, you're good stuff. I'll not forget.

'Hello, mate! cried someone beyond in the shadows. 'Hello, there! 'Plenty o' water 'bout? 'A creek down to the left. 'Right-o! We'll camp here, Stony. Woa, Strawberry! Woa, there, Spot! Bally! Blackboy! The cattle came to a standstill, and while the others busied themselves unyoking the team, one man went off through the trees, and presently returned, carrying a billy he had just filled.

'I told you so, said Farnie to the cabman. 'You are a bally swindler, he added admiringly. 'Look 'ere, began the cabman, in a pained voice. 'Oh, dry up, said Farnie. 'Want a lift, Gethryn? The words were spoken not so much as from equal to equal as in a tone of airy patronage which made the Bishop's blood boil.

"I'd half a mind then to throw the stuff away, or drink it myself; it seemed a piece of bally nonsense, giving good ale to a four-year-old pony; but the moment the beggar smelt the bowl he reached out his head, and lapped it up as though he'd been a Christian; and I jumped into the cart and started off, amid cheers. We got up the hill pretty steady. Then the liquor began to work into his head.

Did I not say, me, that narrow, thin what you name it, nostril, shows man that is brave, man that has no fear? Me sabe now. He not 'bally." Gun-Shy Billy "No, sir! Not for me," Bert Hooper was saying. "I won't join the crowd if Billy is going. Do you fellows suppose I'm going to have my holiday all spoiled, and not get any game, all because you want Billy? He's no good on a hunting trip.

"A book?" interestedly. "Bally rot, possibly. Would you like to read it?" one of the best inspirations he had ever had. He was not one of those silly individuals who hem and haw when some one discovers they have the itch for writing, whose sole aim is to have the secret dragged out of them, with hypocritical reluctance. "May I?" Her friendly aloofness fell away from her as if touched by magic.

"If you're really hard pressed. . . ." "Hard pressed! Man, I've nothing in God's world but two guineas, six." "Oh, I say now!" "Its the truth." "If a fiver will help you. . . ." "Thanks. A wager's a wager. I've lost. I was a bally fool to play cards. Deserve what I got. Six months; that's the agreement. A madman's wager; but I'll stick." "Six months; twelve o'clock, midnight, November thirteenth.

"I should perhaps explain to you, my lord," said he, pausing, with his hat in his hand, "that I have not been altogether surprised with your lordship's dispositions in the case of Mr. Bally. Something of this nature oozed out when he was last in Durrisdeer. There was some talk of a woman at St. Bride's, to whom you had behaved extremely handsome, and Mr. Bally with no small degree of cruelty.

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