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There was a big bear comin' up, swingin' along on all fours, right in my direction. It was a bald-face, but little I knew then about such kind. "'Jest watch me scare him, I says to myself, and I stayed out of sight in the trees. "Well, I waited till he was about a hundred feet off, then out I runs into the open. "'Oof! oof! I hollered at him, expectin' to see him turn tail like chain lightning.

"We can ride right into the ravine 'at leads to the pony corral from here," sez I. "It's a good average four hours' ride. Now I can do it in three on Starlight; the old bald-face couldn't do it at all to-night " "Look at him now," sez Monody. There he was eatin' grass as lively as a cricket. "Well, you follow as you can, only you'd better lay low unless I whistle the Lion Head signal.

"I've picked up considerable knowledge of the female disposition from wranglin' dudes. A bald-face bear with cubs is a reg'lar streak of sunshine compared to a lady-dude I had out campin' once when she got tired or hungry, or otherwise on the peck. Her and me got feelin' pretty hos-tile toward each other 'fore we quit.

It is finer and closer than our Alaska bears; see how white on the shoulders and face. I believe he's about as ugly a customer, too, as most of our big Alaska bears, that live on fish." "Yes," said Alex, "he's what you call a bald-face, and whether there's any truth in it or not, Injuns always say that these white-faced bears are the most savage. Look at his claws they're white too.

Even the big bald-face grew clumsy and blind and quarrelsome, in the end to be dragged down by a handful of yelping huskies. He remembered how he had abandoned his own father on an upper reach of the Klondike one winter, the winter before the missionary came with his talk-books and his box of medicines.

"Seemed as though he'd been chased by a bald-face, too, and had hid in the blackberries. So that's how we mistook each other. "But by that time the racket on the trail was something terrible, and we didn't wait to explain matters. That afternoon we got Joe Gee and some rifles and came back loaded for bear.

He was well-bred, and had a pedigree and a gentle disposition, and a bald-face, and a bumble-foot, and a raw wither, and a sore back that gave him a habit of "flinching" a habit that discounted his uselessness a great deal, because, when we were n't at home, the women could n't saddle him to run the cows in. Whenever he saw the saddle or heard the girth-buckles rattle he would start to flinch.

I stops jest behind it, old bald-face comin' all the time. It was jest then that fear came to me. I yelled like a Comanche Indian as he raised up to come over the log, and fired my hat full in his face. Then I lit out. "Say! I rounded the end of that log and put down the hill at a two-twenty clip, old bald-face reachin' for me at every jump.

For the Burg and the Face! For the Burg and the Face!" 'So we scattered and covered ourselves with the oak-boles, but besides Iron-shield, who was slain outright, two goodmen were sorely hurt, to wit Bald-face, a man of our house, and Stonyford of the Lower Dale.

Am I right?" Smoke nodded, and continued to nod to each question. "He's got one cheek half gone where a bald-face grizzly swatted him. Am I right? He's a dog-trader right, eh? His name is Scar-Face Jim. That's so, ain't it? D'ye get my drift?" "You mean we've been bidding ?" "Against each other. Sure thing. That squaw's his wife, an' they keep house on the hill back of the hospital.