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The coming of the militia had been wholly unexpected by the people of Pontiac, but the cause was not far to seek. Ever since the Governor's visit there had been sinister rumours abroad concerning Louis Racine, which the Cure and the Avocat and others had taken pains to contradict.

The Avocat looked round the room, saw the pipe on the window, and cutting some tobacco from a "plug," he tenderly filled the old black corn-cob. Then he put the stem in Kilquhanity's mouth and held the candle to the bowl. Kilquhanity smiled, drew a long breath, and blew out a cloud of thick smoke.

Presently the avocat, thinking that he might wish to be alone with the Cure, stepped quietly to the door and opened it upon Madame Chalice. She pressed his hand, her eyes full of tears, passed inside the room, going softly to a shadowed corner, and sat watching the passive figure on the bed. What were the thoughts of this man, now that his adventure was over and his end near?

"She must be told." "I will tell her that you killed him. Leave it to me all to me, my grand seigneur." A half-hour afterwards the avocat, the Cure, and the Little Chemist, had heard the story as the dwarf told it, and Valmond returned to the Louis Quinze a hero. For hours the habitants gathered under his window and cheered him.

God forgive the black heart of him, shtandin' out there cursin' the wide wurruld!" The Avocat looked at the Sergeant's wife musingly, the fingers of his hands tapping together, but he did not speak: he was becoming wiser all in a moment as to the ways of women. "An' now he's in bed, the shtrappin' blasphemer, fur the could he got shtandin' there in the snow cursin' the wide wurruld.

Besides you will be out to-morrow." "I ought not to be here at all," Lennox indignantly retorted. "No, you are most undeserving. Mais écoute. C'est le père de la petite qui a fait le coup. Il me l'a avoué, ensuite il a claqué et depuis j'ai vu ton avocat. C'est une brute mais " "Can that," put in the keeper, a huge creature with a cauliflower face, dingy and gnarled.

But he is a gentleman of as great simplicity as courage, of directness and virtue a wholesome soldier " She thought again of that moonlit night, and Elise's window, and a kind of hatred of the man came up in her. No, no, she was wrong; he was not the true thing. "Dear avocat," she said suddenly, "you are a good friend. May I have always as good!

Every man-out of holy orders" this in deference to his good friend the Cure "arrives at the time when his youth must be renewed or he becomes as dry bones like an empty house furniture sold off. Can only be renewed one way Woman. Well, here's our Avocat, and there's his remedy. He's got the cooking and the clean fresh linen; he must have a wife, the very best."

She never tired, when they met, of hearing him talk of the Cure, the Little Chemist, and the Avocat; and in the Avocat she seemed to take the most interest, making countless inquiries countless when spread over many conversations upon his life during the time Medallion had known him.

The only gentry were the Cure, the Avocat, and the young Seigneur, but of the three the only one with a private income was the young Seigneur. What should such a common man as Kilquhanity do with a private income!