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Avice shook her head. "I cannot explain it; I can only tell what happened. She was always very tender-hearted; she never could bear to see any quarrelling, or cruelty, or injustice.

With how many is it not the case that they do not love Christ because they do not know Him, and they do not know Him because no one of those who do puts Him plainly before them? It was much longer before Father Thomas and Avice saw any fruit of their prayers for Filomena. There was so much more to undo in her case than in her husband's, that the growth was a great deal slower and less apparent.

That night he thought of the little craft under the bows of the huge steam-vessels, powerless to make itself seen or heard, and Avice, now growing inexpressibly dear, sleeping in her little berth at the mercy of a thousand chance catastrophes. Honest perception had told him that this Avice, fairer than her mother in face and form, was her inferior in soul and understanding.

And in spite of Lady Diana's warning, "Not now," Lord Erymanth declared, "Avice, yes! A bird whose quills are quills of iron dipped in venom, and her beak a brazen one, distilling gall on all around. I shall inform her that she has made herself liable to an action for libel. A very fit lesson to her." "What steps shall I take, my lord?" said Eustace, with much importance.

Then Avice, sweet chatterbox, with joyful malice revealed that the young man, whose name none of us had caught, was Bines, and that he owned the mine we were in, and she didn't know how many others, nor did she believe he knew himself. You should have felt the temperature rise. It went up faster than we were going.

The treatment may suit Mary's own daughters, but 'Just as you please, my dear, is not good for sensitive, anxious spirits. We passed Jane and Avice reading together under a rock; I was much inclined to ask them to join us, but Isa was sure they were much happier undisturbed, and she was so unwilling to share me with any one that I let them alone.

The volume was an old school-book; Stievenard's 'Lectures Francaises, with her name in it as a pupil at Sandbourne High School, and date-markings denoting lessons taken at a comparatively recent time, for Avice had been but a novice as governess when he discovered her. For a school-girl which she virtually was to weep over a school-book was strange.

'I hope I may see you again soon and talk to you. 'I hope so, sir. He could not get further, and after a while Pierston left them, and went away thinking of Avice more than ever. The next day he mentally timed them down the river, allowing for the pause to take in ballast, and on the Wednesday pictured the sail down the open sea.

Agnes declared that she did not know where her head was, nor sometimes whether she had any. Avice was at the height of enjoyment. Old Muriel went quietly about her work, keeping at it, "doing the next thing," and got through more work than either. The Bishop did all he could to help them.

She remembered hearing at divers times about this worthy London man of talent and position, whose ancestry were people of her own isle, and possibly, from the name, of a common stock with her own. 'And you have actually lived in Sylvania Castle yourself, Mr. Pierston? asked Avice the daughter, with her innocent young voice. 'Was it long ago?