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But we have to do, at present, especially with those who gathered and blended this fresh intelligence, delicate fancy, emotional wealth, and religious fervor, into a society including such men as Corneille, Balzac, Bossuet, Richelieu, Conde, Pascal, Arnault, and La Rochefoucauld those who are known as leaders of more or less celebrated salons.

"Indeed; has she brought you to a sense of your shortcomings? This scarcely bears out your first remark." "It is nothing against its truth. Miss Aldeu makes it very clear that she is not dependent on me or any one for enjoyment; but in view of the past I have been scarcely courteous. Therefore," he added, with a laugh, "when Arnault monopolizes you I shall console myself with Madge."

She had the appearance of a crazy woman, with her hair dishevelled, and her wet, muddy clothes sticking to her as if glued. She ought at least to have slipped away when the doctor came. But instead of that she fainted all put on, I believe, to attract attention." "She perhaps felt that she must put on something," chuckled Arnault.

They had been on the eve of ruin so many times, that the cry of "wolf" was not so alarming as formerly. "I suppose I must decide before this week is over," she thought. "Arnault has practically given me this length of time, and I shall take him at his word." Therefore, she was very sweet to him during the morning hours, and prepared him to submit to her drive with Graydon in the afternoon.

By going to a higher-priced hotel we increase our credit also, and add to the impression I made to-day, that we are in no danger." As the stage drew near the piazza Graydon hastened forward to help Madge out. In doing so he saw Miss Wildmere greeting Arnault cordially. As he passed up the steps with Madge, he caught Stella's swift, appealing look at him. He only bowed politely and passed on.

"Not conscience, but another organ, controls our action chiefly, I imagine," she replied, with a glance that gave emphasis to her words of the previous evening, and she passed smilingly on. Arnault soon followed her, spoke pleasantly to Graydon, and, having obtained a morning paper, was at once absorbed in its contents.

As the day passed, and old habits of mind resumed sway, she began to concentrate her thoughts on three questions: Should she accept Graydon and take her chances with him? Should she accept Mr. Arnault, with his wealth, and be safe? or should she hesitate a little longer, in the hope that she could secure Graydon and wealth also?

Arnault disappeared yesterday, and Mary learned that the Wildmeres left by the early train this morning." "Yes, Miss Wildmere followed Arnault promptly. They are near of kin, but not too near to marry. Their nuptials should be solemnized in Wall Street, under flowers arranged into a dollar symbol." "I feel sorry for Mr. and Mrs. Wildmere, though; especially the former.

"Oh, Madge, think of a man with a strong, sensitive nature beating his very heart to death against such pumice-stone callousness!" "I don't like to think of it," she replied. "Come, I ask with you now that we forget her as far as possible. She may not disappoint a man like Arnault. Let them both become shadows in the background of memory. Here's a level place. Now for a gallop."

"Of course I couldn't know last night that it would rain in the morning, and so promised Mr. Arnault this afternoon." "It seems as if it would ever be hope deferred to me, Miss Wildmere," he said, gravely. "But, Graydon, you must see how it is " "No, I don't see, but I yield, as usual." "I promise you Sunday afternoon or the first clear day," she exclaimed, eagerly.