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Even an inspector with a naked eye would no longer have distinguished him at first sight from a lunatic of the unhappiest class, the melancholiac. "Ipse suum cor edens hominum vestigia vitans." Mrs. Archbold looked on and saw this sad sight, not with the pity it would once have caused, but with a sort of bitter triumph lightened by no pleasure, and darkened by the shadow of coming remorse.

The fault lies with those villains Baker and Bailey. Cooper is only a servant, you know, and obeys orders." "What business had the wretch to cut your hair off?" said Mrs. Archbold, turning on Alfred with flashing eyes. Her blood once up, she was ready to quarrel even with him for taking part against himself.

I am sure you're nice enough, and good-looking enough, for the best in the way of purple and fine linen to come to you by the law of attraction don't you believe in the law of attraction, Mrs. Archbold?" Lydia Sessions got up and moved away in shocked silence. Mrs. Hexter was a good deal of a thorn in her flesh, and she only tolerated her because of Mr. Hexter and his position.

"Who was that called while I was out?" she inquired. "A polite lady, madam: she said sir to me, and thanked me." "That sounds like Mrs. Dodd," said the Archbold quietly. "Ah, but," continued Frank, "there was another with her a beautiful young lady; oh, so beautiful!" "Miss Julia Dodd," said the Archbold grimly.

"Till then," said she, "we will keep one another company;" biting the word with her teeth as it went out. By-and-by a window was opened in the asylum, and a table-cloth hung out. Mrs. Archbold pointed it out to Alfred; he stared at it; and after that she walked him rapidly home in silence. But, as soon as the door was double-locked on him, she whispered triumphantly in his ear

"Try and remember it is their misfortune, not their crime," said Mrs. Archbold, just like a matronly sister admonishing a brother from school. She then whistled in a whisper for Brown, who was lurking about unseen all the time. He emerged and walked about with Alfred, and by-and-bye, looking down from a corridor, they saw Mrs.

He has always had a well-developed sense of humour, and on one serious occasion, when he was on the witness stand, he was asked by the opposing lawyer: "Mr. Archbold, are you a director of this company?" "I am." "What is your occupation in this company?" He promptly answered, "To clamour for dividends," which led the learned counsel to start afresh on another line.

Rockefeller's reminiscences; there are editors who would have felt a certain embarrassment in commenting on the Archbold transaction. Mr. Archbold, hearing that he intended to treat the subject fully, asked him to come and see him. Archbold call upon him. The November, 1908, issue of the magazine contained, in one section, an interesting chapter by Mr. Archbold or to the Standard Oil Company.

The other keepers looked astounded at this masterstroke; but, as no servant had ever affronted Mrs. Archbold without being dismissed directly, they took their cue and said, "We advised him, ma'am, but he would not listen to us." "Cooper," said Mrs. Archbold as soon as she recovered her breath, "you are not fit for your place. To-morrow you go, or I go."

Brown saw, and recovered his wits partially. "Shall I go for his portmanteau, sir?" stammered he, making a shrewd and fortunate guess at what was up. Baker assented; and soon after went out to get the horse harnessed. On this Mrs. Archbold, pale, sorrowful, and silent hitherto, beckoned Alfred into the back kitchen, and there gave him his watch and his loose money.