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But a word of sentiment and there you are. Strange to say, she likes nothing better than er poetry. I hope you don't mind my calling you rather poetical," said Peter, in a tone of sincere apology. "I wish, John, you'd go straight to my mother, and put the whole case before her, just like that." "The whole case!" said John. "But, my dear fellow, that's only half the case." "What do you mean?"

Dodd; I had a delicious sleep in the boat." Here Talboys put in his word, and made her a rueful apology for the turn his pleasure-excursion had taken. She stopped him most graciously. "On the contrary, I have to thank you, indirectly, for one of the pleasantest evenings I ever spent. I never was in danger before, and it is delightful.

Our major-domo was somehow equal to them all, and when the rush of service was partly over, I found an opportunity to ask him how many languages he spoke. He answered in a tone of apology and regret: "Onily twelluv, ich habe vergessen les autres!"

Where else are there national histories of which the very central idea is the laying bare of national sins and chastisements? or where else are there legends of the people's heroes which tell their sins without apology or reticence? The difference in tone augurs a different origin.

The three men started then as if simultaneously stung and gazed at the young girl who stood silently near them. The man who had sworn began to make agitated apology: "Pardon, miss! 'Pon my soul I clean forgot you was by. 'Deed, and I wouldn't swear like that if I had knowed. 'Deed, I wouldn't." The girl did not seem to hear him. She was staring at the barn.

The Alderman hemmed so loud as to fill the cabin, and then, startled at his own interruption, he involuntarily bowed an apology to the motionless form in the alcove, and regained his composure. "There is more of prudence than of ardor in your answer. Have you ever felt jealousy?"

Perhaps they will carve her as a girl at work in the house of her father Idmon, the purple dyer of Colophon." "Never," replied Bias in a tone of dissent. "Just imagine how the loom would look wrought in gold and ivory!" "I thought so too," said Stephanion, in apology for the foolish idea."

Robert was at home in the great pile, where for many months he had gone freely in and out on his way to the library, and the housekeeper only met him to make an apology for her working dress, and to hand over to him the keys of the library bookcases, with the fretful comment that seemed to have in it the ghostly voice of generations of housemaids, Oh lor', sir, they are a trouble, them books!

Ricardo entered at the moment, and the Count arose with a word of apology to his guest. He spoke earnestly with his overseer, but, as they were separated from him by the full width of the great room, Blake overheard no more than a word now and then.

She took an opportunity of finding Maryllia alone in her morning-room, where she was busy answering some letters. Gliding in, without apology, she sank into the nearest comfortable chair. "We shall soon all be gone from this dear darling old house!" she said, with a sigh "When are you coming back to London, Maryllia?"