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Cowper did not molest her further except to make her say that she had been five months at the Court, and had accompanied the late Queen to France. Then came the power of cross-examination on the part of the prisoner. He made no attempt to modify what had been said before, but asked in a gentle apologetic voice: "Was that the last time you ever saw, or thought you saw, Peregrine Oakshott?" "No."

While saying this, I inadvertently left on my box, so that all might see it, the letter of introduction to the Brigadier-General in Tengyueh, which was calculated to give the natives an indication of the class of Chinese who had the privilege to be admitted to my friendship. The official was very polite and apologetic. I freely forgave him, and we had tea together.

But when he perceived that no carriage was there, and Lucy, not without a tremor, as of a very strange request, and one which might shock the nerves of her companion, asked him to get a cab for her, Mr. Chervil's astonishment knew no bounds. "I never thought how far it was," Lucy said, faltering and apologetic. "I thought I might perhaps have been able to walk."

His voice trembled a little. "I've been thinking of nothing but you all day. You're not sorry? You haven't changed your mind?" She shook her head. "At dinner when you wouldn't look at me, and this afternoon " "No, I'm not sorry," she said, cutting him short. "I'm not sorry." He put his arm about her with an air that was almost apologetic.

He caused the land about the plant to be laid out in sunken gardens and baseball fields and tennis courts, so that one approached this monster of commerce through enchanted grounds, glowing with tulips and heady hyacinths in spring, with roses in June, blazing with salvia and golden-glow and asters in autumn. There was something apologetic about these grounds.

Seaton got up at the end of the room. She pushed back her veil, took out her handkerchief, put her hand on a chair in front, and gave the directors an apologetic smile. "I don't know if it is usual for a woman to speak at a business meeting, but I have a number of shares in the line and it's long since I got a good dividend," she said.

Then her father, after an uneasy restless movement, lifted drowsy lids. "Deuced warm day," he said with a bright apologetic laugh. "I've been actually asleep. Aren't we near home?" Frederick nodded to the chauffeur, and the car rolled on.

Beggars and pilgrims, male and female, began to come into the yard, a thing which had never happened in the past; the plaintive sing-song voices of the Ukleevo peasant women and the apologetic coughs of weak, seedy-looking men, who had been dismissed from the factory for drunkenness were heard under the windows.

Not a person in town, except the very newest citizens, and they were too young to care for nobody ever came to Hilarity except by the stork route but recognized old No. 9's whistle. Strange, almost apologetic, it sounded after its years of silence; not at all like the throaty bellow of derision with which the long, vestibuled coast trains thundered through the forsaken village.

Josephus conveys more of the spirit of Judaism in his two books commonly entitled Against Apion, which are professedly apologetic. They were written after the Antiquities, and further emphasize two points on which he had dwelt in that work: the great age of the Jewish people and the excellence of the Jewish law.