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Updated: August 27, 2024

"There's anuther lot bucks, all o' 'em out west yonder an' over east a smudge is just startin'. Looks like we wus in a pocket an' thar' might be some har-raisin' fore long." "Well, Murphy, you are the older hand at this business. What do you advise doing?" "Me? Why, push right 'long while we kin keep under cover. Then after dark trust ter bull luck an' make 'nuther dash. It's mostly luck, anyhow.

"I'd 'ave sooner had 'un of anybody else," said he, "but thur war nur anuther to be had, and it bean't such a bad 'un nither, only Measter Humphreys be hardish in the mouth." By the which he meant that Humphreys had the reputation of being rather harsh in his dealings with his workpeople.

But I soon got the hang o' the talk in the hospital. Well, ez I wuz sayin', I've allus been in hospitals firs' one, then anuther. I got well, en the sojers call me Yankee Blank en set me waitin' on sick uns en the wounded. That's what I'm a-doin' now." "You were in Southern hospitals?" "I reckon. They called the place Richman." "Why did you come here?" "Kaze I wuz bro't yere.

"I shan't never think she wuz quite right 'n her head, to do 't! I allow we shan't never set eyes on ter her, Jos. I've got jest thet feelin' abaout it. 'Pears like she'd gone klar out 'er this yer world inter anuther." The majestic bulwark of San Jacinto Mountain looms in the southern horizon of the San Bernardino valley.

"I don't know," sez I; "the price of my show is 15 cents pur individooal." "& can't our Soisety go in free?" asked the female. "Not if I know it," sed I. "Crooil, crooil man!" she cried, & bust into teers. "Won't you let my darter in?" sed anuther of the exsentric wimin, taken me afeckshunitely by the hand. "O, please let my darter in, shee's a sweet gushin child of natur."

There's a gin'ral wish among the crew to no whether the north pole is a pole or a dot. Grim sais it's nother wun thing nor anuther, but a hydeear that is sumhow or other a fact, but yit don't exist at all. Tom Green wants to no if there's any conexshun between it an' the pole that's connected with elections.

"Wall, he kin flee ez many countries ez he likes, an' 't won't dew him no good. I know yeow folks hyar don't seem ter think killin' an Injun's enny murder, but I say 'tis; an' yeow'll all git it brung home ter yer afore yer die: ef 'tain't brung one way, 't'll be anuther; yeow jest mind what I say, 'n' don't yeow furgit it.

We was children together, and thar hain't no use hidin' that I never keered a straw fer anuther woman. She used to be mighty wilful 'n' contrary, but as soon as you come I seed at oncet that a change was comm' over her. I mistrusted ye, 'n' I warned her ag'in' ye.

Why don't he 'tend to his feightin' an' get a stripe like Sarah Worsnop's lad ower t' way?" "Whisht a bit!" exclaimed her mother, "while I've gotten to t' end o' t' letter. Eh! but he do write bad; t' words is fair tum'lin' ower one anuther."

"Wall, now, seem' as we-all are well along the way down, Ah may as well tell you-all: thar hain't goin' to be no danger of any claim-jumpers staking your land if Old Grizzly knows anything about it. Thar war a turrible avalanche yesterday and a leetle one at suppertime; it looks like-es-how anuther powerful one will hit the trail any moment.

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