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Gentilshommes, have de goodness to make de face to de right par file, dat is, by files. Marsh! Mais tres bien encore, Messieurs; il faut vous mettre a la marche...Marchez donc, au nom de Dieu, parceque j'ai oublie le mot Anglois mais vous etes des braves gens, et me comprenez tres bien. The Count next hastened to put the cavalry in motion.

"Anglois, bête!" answered I, in a low tone: and added, "mais les corsairs ne se battent pas" "Cest vrai" said he; and growling, "bon soir" he was soon out of sight.

I hear we are soon to have a war with England; and then ! Gardez-vous bien, Messieurs les Anglois ! Where is Monsieur Calif ? Mr. Clifton will not be at home to-day. Well, sir, be so kind as to present my compliments to him, and tell him I would certainly have run him through the body, if you had not done me the honour to say all that you have said to me.

"Je sens, Monseigneur, toute la délicatesse de cette negociation, soyez persuadé que je la conduirai avec tant de précautions que les anglois ne pourront pas dire que mes ordres y ont eu part." La Jonquière au Minístre, 9 Oct. 1749.

Four years before, a projected attack on Quebec by a British fleet, under Admiral Wheeler, had come to nought from analogous causes. The French spared no pains to gain accurate information as to the strength of the English settlements. Among other reports on this subject there is a curious Memoire sur les Etablissements anglois au dela de Pemaquid, jusqu'a Baston.

Gudule by the same cure who married your parents, and by the name of Henry Thomas, son of E. Thomas, officier Anglois, and Gertrude Maes. You see you belong to us from your birth, and why I did not christen you when you became my dear little pupil at Castlewood.

A French author of eminence, fifty years back, having occasion to speak of our English literature collectively, in reference to the one point of its variety, being also a man of honor, and disdaining that sort of patriotism which sacrifices the truth to nationality, speaks of our pretensions in these words: Les Anglois qui ont une litterature infiniment plus variee que la notre.

"He could like to take a trip to England," and asked much of the English ladies. Stay where you are, I beseech you, Monsieur le Marquis, said I. Les Messieurs Anglois can scarce get a kind look from them as it is. The Marquis invited me to supper. Monsieur P-, the farmer-general, was just as inquisitive about our taxes. They were very considerable, he heard.

The words of St Paul, 'I must see Rome, he finds are borne in upon him, and such a journey would afford him the talk for a lifetime, the more so that he was no libertine and disclaimed all intentions of travelling as Milord Anglois, but simply as the scholar and the man of elegant curiosity.

Les Irlandois ne le cedent plus aux Anglois, ni en industrie ni en lumieres." See O'Halloran's History of Ireland. Author of Chiysal, or Adventures of a Guinea. Author of the beautiful moral tale Nourjahad. "For which an eloquence that aims to vex, With native tropes of anger arms the sex." Parnell.